Code Samples

This page displays a collection of QuickBlox code samples in different programming languages.

Chat samples

Simple chat samples with all the features essential for a seamless and up-to-date messaging experience based on QuickBlox API.


  • Login/logout
  • Send and receive message/attachment
  • Create and leave a 1-to-1 and group chat
  • Create a public chat
  • Display users who have received/read the message
  • Mark messages as read/delivered
  • Send typing indicators
  • List and delete chats
  • Display chat history
  • Display a list with chat participants
  • Send/receive push notifications
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe device to push notifications

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Objective-C Chat Sample App

Swift Chat Sample App

Java Chat Sample App

Kotlin Chat Sample App

Flutter Chat Sample App

JavaScript Chat Sample App

Live Demo

Angular Chat Sample App

React Native Chat Sample App

Cordova Chat Sample App

Video calling samples

Feature-rich video calling samples that allow you to make high-quality voice and video calls, built for web and mobile platforms.


  • Login/logout
  • Make and receive a 1-to-1 and group audio call
  • Make and receive a 1-to-1 and group video call
  • Search for users to make a call with
  • Mute/unmute the microphone
  • Display the list of call participants and their statuses
  • Share a screen
  • Switch camera
  • Display call stats
  • Switch speaker

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Objective-C Video Calling Sample App

Swift Video Calling Sample App

Java Video Calling Sample App

Kotlin Video Calling Sample App

Flutter Video Calling Sample App

JavaScript Video Calling Sample App

Live Demo

React Native Video Calling Sample App

Video conference samples

Simple and feature-rich video conference samples that enable you to easily implement a conference with more than ten people, build for web and mobile platforms.


  • Login/logout
  • Create a conference room
  • Leave a conference room
  • Add a new member to a conference room
  • Participate in a  conference call as a streamer/watcher
  • Send and receive text messages and attachments
  • Enable/disable audio stream from an opponent
  • Switch camera
  • Enable/disable camera
  • Mute/unmute the microphone
  • Display the number of chat members
  • Share a screen
  • Change media settings

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Objective-C Video Conference Sample App

Swift Video Conference Sample App

Java Video Conference Sample App

Kotlin Video Conference Sample App

JavaScript Video Conference Sample App

Push notification samples

Developer-friendly push notifications samples that allow you to immediately deliver some information to a user's device when the device is either idle or running the app in the background, built for web and mobile platforms.


  • Send instant notifications
  • Send recurring notifications
  • Send scheduled notifications
  • Subscribe a device for APNS and VOIP push notifications
  • Send a text push notification to a user
  • Display a list of received push notifications

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Objective-C Push Notification Sample App

Swift Push Notification Sample App

Java Push Notification Sample App

Kotlin Push Notification Sample App

Chatbot samples

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Simple Bot Sample App

RiveScript Bot Sample App

Chat UI Kit samples

Simple chat samples with all the features essential for a seamless and up-to-date messaging experience based on QuickBlox API.


  • SignUp/Login/logout
  • Change a Color Theme
  • Send and receive message/attachment
  • Create and leave a 1-to-1 and group chat
  • Create a public chat
  • Display users who have received/read the message
  • Mark messages as read/delivered
  • Send typing indicators
  • List and delete chats
  • Display chat history
  • Display a list with chat participants

Choose the code sample below and head to GitHub repositories to explore and clone it. Go over the relevant documentation for more details.

Chat UI Kit SwiftUI Sample

React Chat UI Kit Sample App

Live Demo

Android UI Kit Sample

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