List Dialogs

Retrieve a list of chat dialogs. You can list dialogs using specific search criteria.

Filter dialogs by custom field
Open Recipe
Display total number of all dialogs
Open Recipe
Get dialog by dialog ID
Open Recipe
Filter dialogs by type
Open Recipe
Get dialogs with API key
Open Recipe

Search Operators

The request can contain all, some or none of the next search operators.

ltLess Than operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: last_message_date_sent, created_at, updated_at


Will return dialogs with updated_at less than 1556829805.
lteLess Than or Equal to operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: last_message_date_sent, created_at, updated_at


Will return dialogs with last_message_date_sent less than or equal 1556735709.
gtGreater Than operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: last_message_date_sent, created_at, updated_at


Will return dialogs with last_message_date_sent greater than 1556735709.
gteGreater Than or Equal to operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: last_message_date_sent, created_at, updated_at


Will return dialogs with last_message_date_sent greater than 1556735709.
neNot Equal to operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: _id, name, last_message_date_sent



Will return dialogs with _id not equal to 5cc9bb58a28f9a406659d777.
inContained IN array operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: type, last_message_date_sent, name


Will return dialogs with type equal to 1 and equal to 2.
ninNot contained IN array operator

Types: number, string, date

Applicable to fields: last_message_date_sent

?last_message_date_sent[nin]=1556739654, 1556739987

Will return dialogs with last_message_date_sent not equal to 1556739654 and 1556739987.
allALL contained IN array

Types: number

Applicable to fields: occupants_ids


Will return dialogs with occupants_ids equal to 91103344 and 91142495 (both).
ctnContains substring operator

Types: string

Applicable to field: name

Example: ?name[ctn]=party

Returns dialogs whose name contains the word "party".

Sort Operators

Next sorting operators are allowed:

sort_ascTypes: all types

Example: sort_asc=field_name

Search results will be sorted by the specified field in ascending order.
sort_descTypes: all types


Search results will be sorted by the specified field in descending order.