Push Notification Formats
QuickBlox provides two types of push notifications you can send:
- Platform based push notification will be delivered to the specified platform only, for example, iOS or Android only.
- Universal push notifications will be delivered to all possible devices/platforms for specified users.
Platform-based push notification
A platform-based push notification will be delivered to a specified platform only, for example, iOS or Android. To specify platform use event.push_type
parameter within Create Event request. With platform-based push notification, you can use all specified features of a particular platform. There are no restrictions.
General requirements
A message format is a key=value
string where a key
is raw text and value
is CGI escaped and Base64 encoded. Each pair should be separated by &
Plain message: key1=c29tZXZhbHVlMQ==&key2=YW5vdGhlcnZhbHVlMg==&key3=dGhpcmRleGFtcGxl
Symbol &
should be escaped by %26.
To meet Apple payload requirements review this document.
- Initial JSON payload:
{ "aps" : { "alert" : "You got your emails.", "badge" : 9, "sound" : "bingbong.aiff" }, "acme1" : "bar", "acme2" : 42 }
- Base64 Encoded data:
- Final message (for iOS pushes you should add
):event.message=payload=ew0KICAgICJhcHMiIDogew0KICAgICAgICAiYWxlcnQiIDogIllvdSBnb3QgeW91ciBlbWFpbHMuIiwNCiAgICAgICAg ImJhZGdlIiA6IDksDQogICAgICAgICJzb3VuZCIgOiAiYmluZ2JvbmcuYWlmZiINCiAgICB9LA0KICAgICJhY21lMSIgOiAiYmFyIiwNCi AgICAiYWNtZTIiIDogNDINCn0=
To meet FCM requirements review this document. The overall principles are as follows:
key is required and should be first.- Values should be CGI escaped before Base64 encoding.
- The required field
is added automatically before sending and contains valueevent<ID>
. - Message format is a
- Initial plain message:
data.message=I love M&M's! Especially red one!
- CGI-escaped:
- Base64-encoded:
- Final message:
Universal Push Notifications
Universal push notifications will be delivered to all possible devices/platforms for specified users. To send Universal push notifications just omit event.push_type
parameter within a Create Event request.
Send a simple text
If you would like to send just a text push message (without any parameters) use the format below.
- Initial plain message:
I love M&M's! Especially red one!
- Base64-encoded:
- Final message:
Use custom parameters
Custom parameters are available for iOS and Android platforms only.
With custom parameters, you can achieve a behavior similar to platform-based push notifications.
There are some standard parameters, which will be translated to particular platform parameters:
push text will be translated toaps.alert.body
for iOS and todata.message
for Android.ios_badge
will be translated toaps.badge
for iOS. Ignored for Android.ios_sound
will be translated toaps.sound
for iOS. Ignored for Android.ios_content_available=1
will be translated toaps.content-available
for iOS. Ignored for Android.ios_mutable_content=1
will be translated toaps.mutable-content
for iOS. Ignored for Android.ios_category
will be translated toaps.category
for iOS. Ignored for Android.ios_voip=1
will initiate VoIP push notification for iOS if user has VoIP push subscription. Otherwise, iOS user will receive standart iOS push. For Android, it will be a standard push.
You can use any other custom parameters. They will be added as well according to the specific platform push format. For iOS, it will be root keys, for Android - data.X.
- Initial JSON message:
{"message": "Message received from Bob", "ios_badge": 5, "ios_sound": "mysound.wav", "user_id": "234"}
- Base64-encoded:
- Final message:
Client’s application will receive next payload:
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