
QuickBlox Android UIKit allows you to create customizable screens and execute main chat functions such as list dialogs, create dialogs, and chat in dialogs. Screens are made up of three main parts: Fragment, ScreenSettings, and ViewModel. Each fragment has a specific ScreenSettings that creates the view and each ScreenSettings contains customizable UI components. A fragment also has a corresponding ViewModel that provides the necessary data from QuickBlox Android SDK.

Refer to the table below to see which screens we provide and the components that make up each screen.

Dialog listDialogsFragmentDialogsScreenSettingsDialogsViewModelHeaderWithIconComponent
Dialog nameDialogNameFragmentDialogNameScreenSettingsDialogNameViewModelHeaderWithTextComponent
User listUsersFragmentUsersScreenSettingsUsersViewModelHeaderWithTextComponent
Group сhatGroupChatFragmentGroupChatScreenSettingsGroupChatViewModelHeaderWithAvatarComponent
Private chatPrivateChatFragmentPrivateChatScreenSettingsPrivateChatViewModelHeaderWithAvatarComponent
Group chat infoGroupChatInfoFragmentGroupChatInfoScreenSettingsGroupChatInfoViewModelHeaderWithTextComponent
Private chat infoPrivateChatInfoFragmentPrivateChatInfoScreenSettingsPrivateChatInfoViewModelHeaderWithTextComponent
Add membersAddMembersFragmentAddMembersScreenSettingsAddMembersViewModelHeaderWithIconComponent

Dialog list screen

The dialog list screen shows a complete list of group and private dialogs of which the current user is a member.
After following the steps described in the Get started section, you can display and manage the list of dialogs.

Screen structure

The dialogs list screen consists of two components: header and dialogs.


The header component contains a screen title and a default button in the upper right corner that allows you to select the type of dialog you want to create.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the DialogsScreenSettings.


The dialogs component shows a list of all private and group dialogs that the current user is part of. To create a view for each dialog list item, you need to use theDialogsAdapter and bind dialog data to the view. When the current user taps on one of the dialogs in the list, they will be able to enter a private or group chat screen depending on the dialog type.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a dialog list screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a dialogs screen with a DialogsActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a dialogs activity by using the method show() of DialogsActivity as shown below:


Create a fragment

To create a DialogsFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a DialogsFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createDialogs()


In DialogsScreenSettings you can customize the DialogsFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The DialogsScreenSettings class allows you to configure DialogsFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the DialogsScreenSettings, you need to inherit the DialogsScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the DialogsFragment to display and customize the dialogs screen.


Dialog name screen

The dialog name screen is used in the group dialog creation flow. And allows you to set a name and photo for a group dialog.

Screen structure

The dialog name screen consists of two components: header and dialog name.


The header component contains a screen title. Also, the header includes a default button "Next" in the upper right corner that allows you to open the user list screen

The view of the header component is created and configured in the DialogNameScreenSettings.

Dialog name

The dialog name component allows you to set a name and photo for a group dialog.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a dialog name screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a dialog name screen with a DialogNameActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a dialog name activity by using the method show() of DialogNameActivity as shown below:

DialogNameActivity.show(context, dialogEntity)

Create a fragment

To create a DialogNameFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a DialogNameFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createDialogName(dialogEntity)


In DialogNameScreenSettings you can customize the DialogNameFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The DialogNameScreenSettings class allows you to configure DialogNameFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the DialogNameScreenSettings, you need to inherit the DialogNameScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the DialogNameFragment to display and customize the dialog name screen.


User list screen

The user list screen displays available users that can be selected to create a group or private dialog.

Screen structure

The user list screen consists of two components: header and users.


The header component contains a screen title. Also, the header includes a default button "Create" in the upper right corner that allows you to create a dialog and open the chat screen.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the UsersScreenSettings.


The users component shows a list of available users that can be selected to create a group or private dialog. To create the view for each user list item, you need to use the SelectionUsersAdapter and bind user data to the view.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a user list screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a users screen with a UsersActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a users activity by using the method show() of UsersActivity as shown below:

UsersActivity.show(context, dialogEntity)

Create a fragment

To create a UsersFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a UsersFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createUsers(dialogEntity)


In UsersScreenSettings you can customize the UsersFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The UsersScreenSettings class allows you to configure UsersFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the UsersScreenSettings, you need to inherit the UsersScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the UsersFragment to display and customize the user list screen.


Group chat screen

A group chat screen allows close interactions between a limited number of users. To join the dialog, one of the members needs to add you to the dialog.

Screen structure

The group chat screen consists of two components: header and messages.


The header component contains the name and the photo of the dialog. Also, the header contains a default button in the upper right corner that allows you to open the group chat info screen.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the GroupChatScreenSettings.


The message component shows a list of all messages exchanged in the chat, in chronological order. The list displays messages sent by the current user and the other members of the dialog. The view of MessagesComponent is created and configured in the GroupChatScreenSettings. To create a view for each message list item, you need to use a MessageAdapter.

Send message

The send message component is where the user can either enter a text message or send the message with an attachment like file, image, or video.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a group chat screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a group chat screen with a GroupChatActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a group chat activity by using the method show() of GroupChatActivity as shown below:

GroupChatActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a GroupChatFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a GroupChatFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createGroupChat(dialogId)


In GroupChatScreenSettings you can customize the GroupChatFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The GroupChatScreenSettings class allows you to configure GroupChatFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the GroupChatScreenSettings, you need to inherit the GroupChatScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the PrivateChatFragment to display and customize the group chat screen.


Private chat screen

A private chat screen allows close interaction between two users. To participate in this type of dialog, you can create a dialog with your opponent or your opponent can create a dialog with you.

Screen structure

The private chat screen consists of two components: header and messages.


The header component contains the name and the photo of the opponent. Also, the header includes a default button in the upper right corner that allows you to open the info chat screen

The view of the header component is created and configured in the PrivateChatScreenSettings.


The message component shows a list of all messages exchanged in the chat, in chronological order. The list displays messages sent by the current user and the other member of the dialog. The view of MessagesComponent is created and configured in the PrivateChatScreenSettings. To create a view for each message list item, you need to use a MessageAdapter.

Send message

The send message component is where the user can enter a text message or send the message with an attachment like file, image, or video.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a private chat screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a private chat screen with a PrivateChatActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a private chat activity by using the method show() of PrivateChatActivity as shown below:

PrivateChatActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a PrivateChatFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a PrivateChatFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createPrivateChat(dialogId)


In PrivateChatScreenSettings you can customize the PrivateChatFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The PrivateChatScreenSettings class allows you to configure PrivateChatFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the PrivateChatScreenSettings, you need to inherit the PrivateChatScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the PrivateChatFragment to display and customize the private chat screen.


Group chat info screen

The group chat info screen allows configuring the group dialog. If you are an owner you can customize the dialog name and dialog image, you can also leave the dialog.

Screen structure

The group chat info screen consists of two components: header and dialog info.


The header component contains a screen title. If you are a dialog owner, the header includes a default button "Edit" in the upper right corner that allows you to open the flow for updating the name and image of the dialog.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the GroupChatInfoScreenSettings.

Dialog info

The dialog info component shows the dialog image and name by default. The view of the dialog information is created and customized in the DialogInfoComponent of the GroupChatInfoScreenSettings.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a group chat info screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a group chat info screen with a GroupChatInfoActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a group chat info activity by using the method show() of GroupChatInfoActivity as shown below:

GroupChatInfoActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a GroupChatInfoFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a GroupChatInfoFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createGroupChatInfo(dialogId)


In GroupChatInfoScreenSettings you can customize the GroupChatInfoFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The GroupChatInfoScreenSettings class allows you to configure GroupChatInfoFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the GroupChatInfoScreenSettings, you need to inherit the GroupChatInfoScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the GroupChatInfoFragment to display and customize the group chat info screen.


Private chat info screen

The private chat info screen allows configuring settings of the private dialog. You can also leave the dialog.

Screen structure

The private chat info screen consists of two components: header and dialog info.


The header component contains a screen title.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings.

Dialog info

The dialog info component shows the dialog image and name by default. The view of the dialog information is created and customized in the DialogInfoComponent of the PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a private chat info screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a private chat info screen with a PrivateChatInfoActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a private chat info activity by using the method show() of PrivateChatInfoActivity as shown below:

PrivateChatInfoActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a PrivateChatInfoFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a PrivateChatInfoFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createPrivateChatInfo(dialogId)


In PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings you can customize the PrivateChatInfoFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings class allows you to configure PrivateChatInfoFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings, you need to inherit the PrivateChatInfoScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the PrivateChatInfoFragment to display and customize the private chat info screen.


Members screen

A members screen is a complete list of users that are members of a group dialog. The dialog member list is created through theMembersActivity or MembersFragment.

Screen structure

The members screen consists of two components: header and users.


The header component contains a screen title and a default button in the upper right corner that allows you to open add members screen.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the MembersScreenSettings.


The users component shows a list of members of a group dialog. To create the view for each user list item, you need to use theMembersAdapter and bind user data to the view.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a members screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a members screen with a MembersActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a members activity by using the method show() of MembersActivity as shown below:

MembersActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a MembersFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a MembersFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createMembers(dialogId)


In MembersScreenSettings you can customize the MembersFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The MembersScreenSettings class allows you to configure MembersFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the MembersScreenSettings, you need to inherit the MembersScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the MembersFragment to display and customize the members screen.


Add members screen

The add members screen allows adding new members to a group dialog via the AddMembersActivity or AddMembersFragment. All users are listed through the pagination, and members who already belong to the dialog are not shown.

Screen structure

The add members screen consists of two components: header and users


The header component contains a screen title.

The view of the header component is created and configured in the AddMembersScreenSettings.


The users component shows a list of users that can be added to a group dialog. To create the view for each user list item, you need to use theAddMembersAdapter and bind user data to the view.


QuickBlox UIKit for Android provides both an activity and a fragment to create a add members screen. You can choose which one to build your app with, and you can solely use an activity or a fragment if you like. You can create a add members screen with a AddMembersActivity which uses a ScreenFactory to create views.

Start an activity

You can start a add members activity by using the method show() of AddMembersActivity as shown below:

AddMembersActivity.show(context, dialogId)

Create a fragment

To create a AddMembersFragment use the ScreenFactory, how to create a AddMembersFragment is shown in the example below:

val fragment: Fragment = QuickBloxUiKit.getScreenFactory().createAddMembers(dialogId)


In AddMembersScreenSettings you can customize the AddMembersFragment to change various aspects of the screen. The AddMembersScreenSettings class allows you to configure AddMembersFragment components. If you want to customize the fragment beyond using the APIs provided in the AddMembersScreenSettings, you need to inherit the AddMembersScreenSettings and extend the functionality.

The following table shows the main classes used in the AddMembersFragment to display and customize the add members screen.
