
Starting from version 0.2.0 of React UI Kit, the AI functionality is enabled by default and based on OpenAI’s chat GPT. The QuickBlox AI for React UI Kit provides a range of features to enhance the chat experience. With essential messaging functionalities such as answer assistant, users can engage in more interactive conversations.

Supported features

AI Answer AssistProvides answers based on chat history to selected message.
AI TranslateProvides translation based on chat history to selected incoming message.
AI RephraseProvides rephrase in selected tone based on chat history to inputed message before sending.


The minimum requirements for using AI features are:

  • JS QuickBlox SDK v2.15.5
  • React v.18.0
  • TypeScript v.4.9.3
  • React UI Kit v0.2.0

AI Answer Assist

QuickBlox provides answer assistant functionality that helps users effortlessly send various answers considering chat history.

How to use in React UI Kit

In React UI Kit version greater then 0.4.0 with JS QuickBlox SDK v2.17.0 to enable QuickBlox AI answer assistant you should set up the AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig in the configAIApi segment of the QBConfig.ts file to provide your Smart ChatAssist ID from your QuickBlox admin panel.

Review your SmartChat Assistant

To get ID of SmartChat Assistant to use it as smartChatAssistantId param follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard => YOUR_APP => SmartChat Assistant page.
  2. Choose the ID of the SmartChat Assistant you want to update and click on it.
  3. Edit the SmartChat Assistant settings.
  4. Click the Save button to save changes.

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Answer Assist React hook to communicate directly with the OpenAI API , you should configure the AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
   //.. other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig: {
      smartChatAssistantId:: 'sk-k2...LfK', // Should use your own data from your admin panel
  appConfig: {
     //... other section data


The code snippets below are not recommended for use with React UI Kit version greater than 0.4.0, because they will be deprecated. In the modern version of our React UI Kit, you do not have the ability to make AI Assist customizations.

Enabling QuickBlox AI answer assistant in React UI Kit version less then 0.4.0 involves just 2 straightforward actions:

  1. Set up the AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig in the configAIApi segment of the QBConfig.ts file to provide your API Key.
  2. Optionally, initialize the AIAssist property within the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout (or MessageView) component for customizing the appearance or logic of the AI Assist component.

There are two ways to use the QuickBlox AI Assist answer:

  1. Direct: Access Open AI directly from your client code. The AIAssist component use a raw Open AI token. This is suitable for development or demos, but it’s not the recommended approach for production due to security considerations.
  2. Proxy: Access Open AI through a proxy server. The AIAssist component use QuickBlox user session token with a proxy server. This is the recommended method for production environments, ensuring a more secure and controlled setup.

Directly using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Answer Assist React hook to communicate directly with the OpenAI API , you should configure the AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The token should be stored in the apiKey property in the configAIApi section in the QBConfig.ts file. This contains information about configurations for all AI features . After that theAIAssist component will communicate directly with the OpenAI API.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
   //.. other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: 'sk-k2...LfK', // Should use your own api key
      useDefault: true,
        //... other section data
  appConfig: {
     //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiKeyStringThis field should hold your actual API key that you’ll receive from the service provider (in this case, OpenAI). This key is used to authenticate your requests to the AI service.
useDefaultBooleanThis setting seems to indicate whether you want to use default settings for the AI answer assistance widget. If set to true, it implies that the default settings will be applied.

Proxy using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Answer Assist React hook to communicate through a proxy server (not directly) with OpenAI Api, you should configure the AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The fields api, servername, port, and sessionToken need to be configured within the proxyConfig section for communication with the proxy server.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
       //... other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AIAnswerAssistWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: '', // must be empty
      useDefault: true,
      proxyConfig: {
        api: 'v1/chat/completions',
        servername: 'https://myproxy.com',
        port: '',
        sessionToken: '',
  appConfig: {
   //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiStringThe specific API endpoint for AI completions. In default, it’s set to v1/chat/completions. You should provide your url.
serverNameStringThe base URL for API requests. In default, it’s set to ‘https://api.openai.com/’. You should provide your url.
sessionTokenStringYour should provide the QuickBlox user session token by default if you are using our proxy server.
portStringDefault should be empty.

We recommend using our proxy server, which you can access through this link. Please ensure that you are using the latest release.

AI Answer Assist customization

You have the ability to control AI Answer Assist from code as follows: set it to enabled/disabled, customize the appearance of the component icon, and modify its operational logic. To enable or disable AIAssist use the following code:

  theme={new CustomTheme()}
  AIAssist={{ enabled: true, default: true }}

The QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout is a layout component located within the provider section. We explored an example of its usage in our UI Kit documentation, specifically in the Send your First Message section.

To customize the appearance of the component icon, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the renderWidget method.

For modifying its operational logic, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the textToWidget method. The interface AIMessageWidget has next structure:

Parameter nameTypeDescription
renderWidgetObject functionThe renderWidget provides the default appearance of the widget. This is a method that returns a JSX element (React component). It’s responsible for rendering the widget, and depending on the presence of errors, it might display an error icon or a support icon. So you should change it to implement your own icon.
textToWidgetObject functionThe textToWidget provides the default logic of the widget. This is a function that takes a string (text) and context (in this case, an array of chat messages) but doesn’t return anything (void). This function is used to pass text into the widget. So you should change it to implement your logic.
textToContentStringThe textToContentprovides the output of the default algorithm implementation. This is a string field representing content for the text widget. It’s likely to be used to display the response obtained from AI in the text widget.

Example code of custom hook:

interface MessageWidgetProps {
  servername: string;
  api: string;
  port: string;
  sessionToken: string;
export default function useDefaultAIAssistAnswerWidgetWithOpenAIApi({
}: MessageWidgetProps): AIMessageWidget {
  const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<string>('');
  const [textFromWidgetToContent, setTextFromWidgetToContent] = useState('');

  const renderWidget = (): JSX.Element => {
    if (errorMessage && errorMessage.length > 0) {
      const errorsDescriptions:
        | { title: string; action: () => void }[]
        | undefined = [];

      return (
   // you can customize your own Widget Icon markup

    return <AIWidgetIcon applyZoom color="green"/>;

  const textToWidget = (value: string, context: IChatMessage[]): void => {
    if (value && value.length > 0) {
      getData(value, context as ChatCompletionRequestMessage[]).then(
        (data) => {

  async function getData(
    textToSend: string,
    dialogMessages: ChatCompletionRequestMessage[],
  ): Promise<string> {
    let answerSuggetion = '';

    if (textToSend.length === 0) return answerSuggetion;

    // your logic to use openai

    return answerSuggetion;

  return {
    textToContent: textFromWidgetToContent,

To set up your own realization you should use the property AIAssist inQuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout or in MessageView components like this:

Let’s modify the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from “Send your first message” page :

import React from 'react';
import * as QB from "quickblox/quickblox";
import {
   useQBConnection, QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout,
} from 'quickblox-react-ui-kit';

function App() {

  const currentUser: LoginData = {

  const apiKey = 'sk-9aXs...ZFqhU'; // use your Api Key
  const openAIConfiguration: Configuration = new Configuration({

  const openAIApi: OpenAIApi = new OpenAIApi(openAIConfiguration);

  const defaultAIAnswerToMessageWidget =

	return (
       maxFileSize={100 * 1000000}
       accountData={{ ...QBConfig.credentials }}
       qbConfig={{ ...QBConfig }}
           login: currentUser.login,
           password: currentUser.password,
       }} >
   <div className="App">
           theme={new DefaultTheme()}
                     enabled: true,
                     default: false,
                     AIWidget: defaultAIAnswerToMessageWidget,


export default App;

in MessageView component se detail information on this page :

         // ...
           // ...

You can compare the configuration of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component with the AI Widget to the default view of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from the “Send your first message” page .

How to use the feature as a standalone library

You can use logic of the React hook features separately from our UI kit is possible by connecting the library as described below. The library qb-ai-answer-assistant contains QBAIAnswerAssistant object wich provide all nececry features.

install standalone library

QBAIAnswerAssistant can be installed using Node Package Manager. To include it in your JS based project, follow these command:

npm install qb-ai-answer-assistant

add to own project

To use QBAIAnswerAssistant in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the QBAIAnswerAssistant module:
import { ChatMessage } from 'qb-ai-core';
import { AIAnswerAssistantSettings, QBAIAnswerAssistant } from 'qb-ai-answer-assistant';
  1. Create an array of ChatMessage objects representing the chat history:

let messages = [
  {role: Role.other, content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: prompt},



let messages = [
  {role: "assistant", content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: "user", content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: "user", content: prompt},
  1. Call the rephrase method to generate translate using an API key:
const settings: AIAnswerAssistantSettings =

settings.apiKey = 'YOUR_OPEN_AI_API_KEY';
settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;

return QBAIAnswerAssistant.createAnswer(

Alternatively, you can use a QuickBlox user token and a proxy URL for more secure communication:

const settings: AIAnswerAssistantSettings =

settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;
settings.serverPath = `https://your-proxy-server-url`;

return QBAIAnswerAssistant.createAnswer(

AI Translate

QuickBlox offers translation functionality that helps users easily translate text messages in chat, taking into account the context of the chat history.

How to use in React Kit

In React UI Kit greater than 0.4.0 with JS QuickBlox SDK v2.17.0, to enable QuickBlox AI Translate, you should set up the AITranslateWidgetConfig in the configAIApi segment of the QBConfig.ts file to provide your Smart ChatAssist ID from your admin panel.

Review your SmartChat Assistant

To get ID of SmartChat Assistant to use it as smartChatAssistantId param, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard => YOUR_APP => SmartChat Assistant page.
  2. Choose the ID of the SmartChat Assistant you want to update and click on it.
  3. Edit the SmartChat Assistant settings.
  4. Click the Save button to save changes.

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Translate React hook to communicate directly with the OpenAI API , you should configure the AITranslateWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
   //.. other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AITranslateWidgetConfig: {
      smartChatAssistantId:: 'sk-k2...LfK', // Should use your own data from your admin panel
  appConfig: {
     //... other section data


The code snippets below are not recommended for use with React UI Kit version greater than 0.4.0, because they will be deprecated. In the modern version of our React UI Kit, you do not have the ability to make AI Translate customizations.

Enabling QuickBlox AI Translate in React UI Kit version less then 0.4.0 involves just 2 straightforward actions:

  1. Set up the AITranslateWidgetConfig in the configAIApi segment of the QBConfig.ts file to provide your API Key.
  2. Optionally, initialize the AITranslate property within the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout (or MessageView) component for customizing the appearance or logic of the AI Translate component.

There are two ways to use the QuickBlox AI Translate:

  1. Direct: Access Open AI directly from your client code. The AITranslate component use a raw Open AI token. This is suitable for development or demos, but it’s not the recommended approach for production due to security considerations.
  2. Proxy: Access Open AI through a proxy server. The AITranslate component use QuickBlox user session token with a proxy server. This is the recommended method for production environments, ensuring a more secure and controlled setup.

Directly using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Translate React hook to communicate directly with the OpenAI API , you should configure the AITranslateWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The token should be stored in the apiKey property in the configAIApi section in the QBConfig.ts file. This contains information about configurations for all AI features . AFter that theAITranslate component will communicate directly with the OpenAI API.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
   //.. other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AITranslateWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: 'sk-k2...LfK', // Change to your real API key
      useDefault: true,
      defaultLanguage: 'English',
      languages: [
        //... other section data
  appConfig: {
     //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiKeyStringThis field should hold your actual API key that you’ll receive from the service provider (in this case, OpenAI). This key is used to authenticate your requests to the AI service.
useDefaultBooleanThis setting seems to indicate whether you want to use the default settings for the AI answer assistance widget. If set to true, it implies that the default settings will be applied.
defaultLanguageStringThis parameter specifies the default language you will use for translation. If this parameter is not set, the language from the system settings will be used (the language set in the system). If it’s not possible to determine the system language, then English will be used by default.
languagesArray StringThis option allows you to set an array of alternative languages that can be used for translation. This list of languages will be displayed in the context menu before performing the text translation.

Proxy using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Translate React hook to communicate through a proxy server (not directly) with OpenAI API, you should configure the AITranslateWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The fields api, servername, port, and sessionToken need to be configured within the proxyConfig section for communication with the proxy server.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
       //... other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AITranslateWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: '', // must be empty
      useDefault: true,
      defaultLanguage: 'English',
      languages: [
      proxyConfig: {
        api: 'v1/chat/completions',
        servername: 'https://myproxy.com',
        port: '',
        sessionToken: '',
  appConfig: {
   //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiStringThe specific API endpoint for AI completions.In default, it’s set to v1/chat/completions. You should provide your url.
serverNameStringThe base URL for API requests. In default, it’s set to ‘https://api.openai.com/’. You should provide your url.
sessionTokenStringYour should provide the QuickBlox user session token by default if you are using our proxy server.
portStringDefault should be empty.

We recommend using our proxy server, which you can access through this link. Please ensure that you are using the latest release.

AI Translate customization

You have the ability to control AI Translate from code as follows: set it to enabled/disabled, customize the appearance of the component icon, and modify its operational logic. To enable or disable AI Translate use the following code:

  theme={new CustomTheme()}
  AITranslate={{ enabled: true, default: true }}

The QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout is a layout component located within the provider section. We explored an example of its usage in our UI Kit documentation, specifically in the Send your First Message section.

To customize the appearance of the component icon, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the renderWidget method.

For modifying its operational logic, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the textToWidget method. The interface AIMessageWidget has next structure:

Parameter nameTypeDescription
renderWidgetObject functionThe renderWidget provides the default appearance of the widget. This is a method that returns a JSX element (React component). It’s responsible for rendering the widget, and depending on the presence of errors, it might display an error icon or a support icon. So you should change it to implement your own icon.
textToWidgetObject functionThe texToWidget provides the default logic of the widget. This is a function that takes a string (text) and context (in this case, an array of chat messages) but doesn’t return anything (void). This function is used to pass text into the widget. So you should change it to implement your logic.
textToContentStringThe textToContent provides the output of the default algorithm implementation. This is a string field representing content for the text widget. It’s likely to be used to display the response obtained from AI in the text widget.

Example code of custom hook:

interface MessageWidgetProps {
  servername: string;
  api: string;
  port: string;
  sessionToken: string;
export default function useDefaultAITranslateWidget({
}: MessageWidgetProps): AIMessageWidget {
  const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<string>('');
  const [textFromWidgetToContent, setTextFromWidgetToContent] = useState('');

  const renderWidget = (): JSX.Element => {
    if (errorMessage && errorMessage.length > 0) {
      const errorsDescriptions:
        | { title: string; action: () => void }[]
        | undefined = [];

      return (
   // you can customize your own Widget Icon markup

    return <AIWidgetIcon applyZoom color="green"/>;

  const textToWidget = async (
    textToSend: string,
    context: IChatMessage[],
    additionalSettings?: { [key: string]: any },
  ): Promise<string> => {
    if (textToSend && textToSend.length > 0) {
      let prompt = "Your prompt text with textToSend data";
      const { yourAdditionalParam } = additionalSettings || {};

     // your logic

      return await getData(prompt, context).then((data) => {

        return data;

    return '';

  async function getData(
    prompt: string,
    dialogMessages: IChatMessage[],
  ): Promise<string> {
    let outputMessage = '';

		// your logic to use openai

    return outputMessage;

  return {
    textToContent: textFromWidgetToContent,

To set up your own realization you should use the property AITranslate inQuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout or in MessageView components like this:

Let’s modify the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from “Send your first message” page :

import React from 'react';
import * as QB from "quickblox/quickblox";
import {
   useQBConnection, QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout,
} from 'quickblox-react-ui-kit';

function App() {

  const currentUser: LoginData = {

  const apiKey = 'sk-9aXs...ZFqhU'; // use your Api Key
  const openAIConfiguration: Configuration = new Configuration({

  const openAIApi: OpenAIApi = new OpenAIApi(openAIConfiguration);

  defaultAITranslateWidget = UseDefaultAITranslateWidget({
          sessionToken: token,

	return (
       maxFileSize={100 * 1000000}
       accountData={{ ...QBConfig.credentials }}
       qbConfig={{ ...QBConfig }}
           login: currentUser.login,
           password: currentUser.password,
       }} >
   <div className="App">
           theme={new DefaultTheme()}
                     enabled: true,
                     default: false,
                     AIWidget: defaultAITranslateWidget,


export default App;

in MessageView component se detail information on this page :

         // ...
           // ...

You can compare the configuration of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component with the AI Widget to the default view of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from the “Send your first message” page .

How to use the feature as a standalone library

You can use logic of the React hook features separately from our UI kit is possible by connecting the library as described below. The library qb-ai-translate contains QBAITranslate object wich provide all nececry features.

install standalone library

QBAITranslate can be installed using Node Package Manager. To include it in your JS based project, follow these command:

npm install qb-ai-translate

add to own project

To use QBAITranslate in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the QBAIAnswerAssistant module:
import { ChatMessage } from 'qb-ai-core';
import { AITranslateSettings, QBAITranslate } from 'qb-ai-translate';
  1. Create an array of ChatMessage` objects representing the chat history:
let prompt =  "YOUR_TEXT_TO_TRANSLATE";

let messages = [
  {role: Role.other, content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: prompt},


let prompt =  "YOUR_TEXT_TO_TRANSLATE";

let messages = [
  {role: "assistant", content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: "user", content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: "user", content: prompt},
  1. Call the translate method to generate translate using an API key:
      const settings: AITranslateSettings =

    settings.apiKey = 'YOUR_OPEN_AI_API_KEY';
    settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
    settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;
    settings.language = 'LANGUAGE'; // in BCP47 format
                                    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/languages
                                    // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5646

return QBAITranslate.translate(

Alternatively, you can use a QuickBlox user token and a proxy URL for more secure communication:

      const settings: AITranslateSettings =

    settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
    settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;
    settings.language = 'LANGUAGE';
    settings.serverPath = `https://your-proxy-server-url`;

    return QBAITranslate.translate(

AI Rephrase

QuickBlox provides answer prephrase message functionality that helps users allows you to rephrase the response for an outgoing message in the chosen tone..

How to use in React UI Kit

Enabling QuickBlox AI Rephrase Message in React UI Kit involves just 2 straightforward actions:

  1. Set up the AIRephraseWidgetConfig in the configAIApi segment of the QBConfig.ts file to provide your API Key.
  2. Optionally, initialize the AIRephrase property within the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout (or MessageView) component for customizing the appearance or logic of the AI Rephrase component.

There are two ways to use the QuickBlox AI Rephrase:

  1. Direct: Access Open AI directly from your client code. The AIRephrase component use a raw Open AI token. This is suitable for development or demos, but it’s not the recommended approach for production due to security considerations.
  2. Proxy: Access Open AI through a proxy server. The AIRephrase component use QuickBlox user session token with a proxy server. This is the recommended method for production environments, ensuring a more secure and controlled setup.

Directly using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Rephrase Message React hook to communicate directly with the OpenAI API , you should configure the AIRephraseWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The token should be stored in the apiKey property in the configAIApi section in the QBConfig.ts file. This contains information about configurations for all AI features . AFter that theAIRephrase component will communicate directly with the OpenAI API.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
   //.. other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AIRephraseWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: 'sk-k2...LfK',  // use your Api Key
      useDefault: true,
      defaultTone: 'Professional',
      Tones: [
          name: 'Professional Tone',
            'This would edit messages to sound more formal, using technical vocabulary, clear sentence structures, and maintaining a respectful tone. It would avoid colloquial language and ensure appropriate salutations and sign-offs',
          iconEmoji: '👔',
          name: 'Friendly Tone',
            'This would adjust messages to reflect a casual, friendly tone. It would incorporate casual language, use emoticons, exclamation points, and other informalities to make the message seem more friendly and approachable.',
          iconEmoji: '🤝',
          name: 'Encouraging Tone',
            'This tone would be useful for motivation and encouragement. It would include positive words, affirmations, and express support and belief in the recipient.',
          iconEmoji: '💪',
          name: 'Empathetic Tone',
            'This tone would be utilized to display understanding and empathy. It would involve softer language, acknowledging feelings, and demonstrating compassion and support.',
          iconEmoji: '🤲',
          name: 'Neutral Tone',
            'For times when you want to maintain an even, unbiased, and objective tone. It would avoid extreme language and emotive words, opting for clear, straightforward communication.',
          iconEmoji: '😐',
          name: 'Assertive Tone',
            'This tone is beneficial for making clear points, standing ground, or in negotiations. It uses direct language, is confident, and does not mince words.',
          iconEmoji: '🔨',
          name: 'Instructive Tone',
            'This tone would be useful for tutorials, guides, or other teaching and training materials. It is clear, concise, and walks the reader through steps or processes in a logical manner.',
          iconEmoji: '📖',
          name: 'Persuasive Tone',
            'This tone can be used when trying to convince someone or argue a point. It uses persuasive language, powerful words, and logical reasoning.',
          iconEmoji: '☝️',
          name: 'Sarcastic/Ironic Tone',
            'This tone can make the communication more humorous or show an ironic stance. It is harder to implement as it requires the AI to understand nuanced language and may not always be taken as intended by the reader.',
          iconEmoji: '😏',
          name: 'Poetic Tone',
            'This would add an artistic touch to messages, using figurative language, rhymes, and rhythm to create a more expressive text.',
          iconEmoji: '🎭',
  appConfig: {
     //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiKeyStringThis field should hold your actual API key that you’ll receive from the service provider (in this case, OpenAI). This key is used to authenticate your requests to the AI service.
useDefaultBooleanThis setting seems to indicate whether you want to use default settings for the AI answer assistance widget. If set to true, it implies that the default settings will be applied.
Tonesarray of ToneArray of objects describing the tones that users can use to rephrase text via the Rephrase component menu. Each tone should be defined as an object implementing the ‘Tone’ interface: interface Tone {name: string;description: string;iconEmoji: string;}

Proxy using configuration

To utilize the QuickBlox AI Rephrase Message React hook to communicate through a proxy server (not directly) with OpenAI Api, you should configure the AIRephraseWidgetConfig section in the configuration file, as shown in the code snippet provided below. The fields api, servername, port, and sessionToken need to be configured within the proxyConfig section for communication with the proxy server.

export const QBConfig = {
  credentials: {
       //... other section data
  configAIApi: {
    AIRephraseWidgetConfig: {
      apiKey: '', // must be empty
      useDefault: true,
      proxyConfig: {
        api: 'v1/chat/completions',
        servername: 'https://myproxy.com',
        port: '',
        sessionToken: '',
  appConfig: {
   //... other section data

Parameter nameTypeDescription
apiStringThe specific API endpoint for AI completions.In default, it’s set to v1/chat/completions. You should provide your url.
serverNameStringThe base URL for API requests. In default, it’s set to ‘https://api.openai.com/’. You should provide your url.
sessionTokenStringYour should provide the QuickBlox user session token by default if you are using our proxy server.
portStringDefault should be empty.

We recommend using our proxy server, which you can access through this link. Please ensure that you are using the latest release.

AI Rephrase customization

You have the ability to control AI Rephrase Message from code as follows: set it to enabled/disabled, customize the appearance of the component icon, and modify its operational logic. To enable or disable Answer Assist use the following code:

  theme={new CustomTheme()}
  AIRephrase={{ enabled: true, default: true }}

The QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout is a layout component located within the provider section. We explored an example of its usage in our UI Kit documentation, specifically in the Send your First Message section.

To customize the appearance of the component icon, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the textToWidget method.

For modifying its operational logic, you should create your own React custom hook that must return an object of the AIMessageWidget interface and update the code within the textToWidget method. The interface AIMessageWidget has next structure:

Parameter nameTypeDescription
renderWidgetObject functionThe renderWidget provides the default appearance of the widget. This is a method that returns a JSX element (React component). It’s responsible for rendering the widget, and depending on the presence of errors, it might display an error icon or a support icon. So you should change it to implement your own icon.
textToWidgetObject functionThe texToWidget provides the default logic of the widget. This is a function that takes a string (text) and context (in this case, an array of chat messages) but doesn’t return anything (void). This function is used to pass text into the widget. So you should change it to implement your logic.
textToContentStringThe textToContent provides the output of the default algorithm implementation. This is a string field representing content for the text widget. It’s likely to be used to display the response obtained from AI in the text widget.

Example code of custom hook:

interface MessageWidgetProps {
  servername: string;
  api: string;
  port: string;
  sessionToken: string;
export default function UseDefaultAIRephraseMessageWidget({
}: MessageWidgetProps): AIMessageWidget {
  const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<string>('');
  const [textFromWidgetToContent, setTextFromWidgetToContent] = useState('');

  const renderWidget = (): JSX.Element => {
    if (errorMessage && errorMessage.length > 0) {
      const errorsDescriptions:
        | { title: string; action: () => void }[]
        | undefined = [];

      return (
   // you can customize your own Widget Icon markup

    return <AIWidgetIcon applyZoom color="green"/>;

  const textToWidget = async (
    textToSend: string,
    context: IChatMessage[],
    additionalSettings?: { [key: string]: any },
  ): Promise<string> => {
    if (textToSend && textToSend.length > 0) {

      let prompt = "Your prompt text with textToSend data";
      const { yourAdditionalParam } = additionalSettings || {};

      // your logic

      // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await
      return await getData(prompt, context).then((data) => {

        return data;

    return '';

  async function getData(
    prompt: string,
    dialogMessages: IChatMessage[],
  ): Promise<string> {
    let outputMessage = '';

    // your logic to use openai

    return outputMessage;

  return {
    textToContent: textFromWidgetToContent,

To set up your own realization you should use the property AIRephrase inQuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout or in MessageView components like this:

Let’s modify the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from “Send your first message” page :

import React from 'react';
import * as QB from "quickblox/quickblox";
import {
   useQBConnection, QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout,
} from 'quickblox-react-ui-kit';

function App() {

  const currentUser: LoginData = {

  const apiKey = 'sk-9aXs...ZFqhU'; // use your Api Key
  const openAIConfiguration: Configuration = new Configuration({

  const openAIApi: OpenAIApi = new OpenAIApi(openAIConfiguration);

  const defaultAIRephraseMessageWidget =
      sessionToken: token,

	return (
       maxFileSize={100 * 1000000}
       accountData={{ ...QBConfig.credentials }}
       qbConfig={{ ...QBConfig }}
           login: currentUser.login,
           password: currentUser.password,
       }} >
   <div className="App">
           theme={new DefaultTheme()}
                     enabled: true,
                     default: false,
                     AIWidget: defaultAIRephraseMessageWidget,


export default App;

in MessageView component se detail information on this page :

         // ...
           // ...

You can compare the configuration of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component with the AI Widget to the default view of the QuickBloxUIKitDesktopLayout component from the “Send your first message” page .

How to use the feature as a standalone library

You can use logic of the React hook features separately from our UI kit is possible by connecting the library as described below. The library qb-ai-rephrase contains QBAIRephrase object wich provide all nececry features.

Install standalone library

QBAIRephrase can be installed using Node Package Manager. To include it in your JS based project, follow these command:

npm install qb-ai-rephrase

Add to own project

To use QBAIRephrase in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the QBAIRephrase module:
import { ChatMessage } from 'qb-ai-core';
import { AIRephraseSettings, QBAIRephrase } from 'qb-ai-rephrase';
  1. Create an array of ChatMessage objects representing the chat history:
let prompt =  "YOUR_TEXT_TO_REPHRASE";

let messages = [
  {role: Role.other, content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: Role.me, content: prompt},


let prompt =  "YOUR_TEXT_TO_REPHRASE";

let messages = [
  {role: "assistant", content: "Hello, Bob!"},
  {role: "user", content: "Hi, Jim!"},
  {role: "user", content: prompt},
  1. Call the rephrase method to generate translate using an API key:
      const settings: AIRephraseSettings =

    settings.apiKey = 'YOUR_OPEN_AI_API_KEY';
    settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
    settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;
    settings.tone = { name : 'YOUR_TONE_NAME',
                      description: 'YOUR_TONE_DESCRIPTION', // might be empty
                      iconEmoji: 'YOUR_EMOJI'};  // might be empty

    return QBAIRephrase.rephrase(

Alternatively, you can use a QuickBlox user token and a proxy URL for more secure communication:

      const settings: AIRephraseSettings =

    settings.organization = 'YOUR_ORGANIZATION';//  might be empty
    settings.model = AIModel.gpt__3_5__turbo;
    settings.tone = { name : 'YOUR_TONE_NAME',
                      description: 'YOUR_TONE_DESCRIPTION', // might be empty
                      iconEmoji: 'YOUR_EMOJI'};  // might be empty
    settings.serverPath = `https://your-proxy-server-url`;

    return QBAIRephrase.rephrase(