The QuickBlox UIKit for iOS allows you to create your own unique view of the UIKit.
Default theme
The QuickBlox iOS UI Kit comes with the default Theme conforms toThemeProtocol out of the box. It consists of a ThemeColor, ThemeFont, ThemeImage and an ThemeString that describe the properties needed to properly display the appearance of the kit.
Color Theme

The default ColorTheme conforms to the ThemeColorProtocol:
public protocol ThemeColorProtocol {
var mainElements: Color { get set }
var secondaryElements: Color { get set }
var tertiaryElements: Color { get set }
var disabledElements: Color { get set }
var mainText: Color { get set }
var secondaryText: Color { get set }
var caption: Color { get set }
var mainBackground: Color { get set }
var secondaryBackground: Color { get set }
var tertiaryBackground: Color { get set }
var incomingBackground: Color { get set }
var outgoingBackground: Color { get set }
var dropdownBackground: Color { get set }
var inputBackground: Color { get set }
var divider: Color { get set }
var error: Color { get set }
var success: Color { get set }
var highLight: Color { get set }
var system: Color { get set }
which describes the required a color set to properly display the user interface:
class ThemeColor: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeColorProtocol {
var mainElements: Color = Color("MainElements")
var secondaryElements: Color = Color("SecondaryElements")
var tertiaryElements: Color = Color("TertiaryElements")
var disabledElements: Color = Color("DisabledElements")
var mainText: Color = Color("MainText")
var secondaryText: Color = Color("SecondaryText")
var caption: Color = Color("Caption")
var mainBackground: Color = Color("MainBackground")
var secondaryBackground: Color = Color("SecondaryBackground")
var tertiaryBackground: Color = Color("TertiaryBackground")
var incomingBackground: Color = Color("IncomingBackground")
var outgoingBackground: Color = Color("OutgoingBackground")
var dropdownBackground: Color = Color("DropdownBackground")
var inputBackground: Color = Color("InputBackground")
var divider: Color = Color("Divider")
var error: Color = Color("Error")
var success: Color = Color("Success")
var highLight: Color = Color("HighLight")
var system: Color = Color("System")
init() {}
This theme supports Light and Dark schemes configured with ColorSet in XCode:
If you are not yet using Color Sets in your application, you can get acquainted with them in the documentation from Apple documentation
Use your own Color Theme
You can create and use your own color theme. To do this you need to create a class that implements QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeColorProtocol and initialize it with your own color set. The example shows different options for color constructors. Use the most suitable for you:
class YourAmazingColorTheme: ThemeColorProtocol {
// 1. Init with setup Light and Dark schemes.
var mainElements: Color = Color(uiColor: UIColor { traitCollection in
traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark ?
: UIColor.cyan
// 2. Some convenience methods to create colors.
var secondaryElements: Color = .gray
var tertiaryElements: Color = .black
var disabledElements: Color = .black.opacity(0.5)
// 3. Creates a color from a color set that you indicate by name with setup Light and Dark schemes.
var mainText: Color = Color("Your_MainText")
var secondaryText: Color = Color("Your_SecondaryText")
var caption: Color = Color("Your_Caption")
var mainBackground: Color = Color("Your_MainBackground")
var secondaryBackground: Color = Color("Your_SecondaryBackground")
var tertiaryBackground: Color = Color("Your_TertiaryBackground")
var incomingBackground: Color = Color("Your_IncomingBackground")
var outgoingBackground: Color = Color("Your_OutgoingBackground")
var dropdownBackground: Color = Color("Your_DropdownBackground")
var inputBackground: Color = Color("Your_InputBackground")
var divider: Color = Color("Your_Divider")
var error: Color = Color("Your_Error")
var success: Color = Color("Your_Success")
var highLight: Color = Color("Your_HighLight")
var system: Color = Color("Your_System")
init() {}
Now that you've successfully created your color theme, it's time to apply it to QuickBlox iOS UI Kit's screens.
To do this, let's create a YourAmazingTheme class corresponding to QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeProtocol, which obliges to do initialization with ThemeColorProtocol, ThemeFontProtocol, ThemeImageProtocol and ThemeStringProtocol:
class YourAmazingTheme: ThemeProtocol {
var color: ThemeColorProtocol
var font: ThemeFontProtocol
var image: ThemeImageProtocol
var string: ThemeStringProtocol
init(color: ThemeColorProtocol,
font: ThemeFontProtocol,
image: ThemeImageProtocol) {
self.color = color
self.font = font
self.image = image
self.string = string
Next, we create an object of this class:
var appTheme: YourAmazingTheme = YourAmazingTheme(color: YourAmazingColorTheme(),
font: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeFont(),
image: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeImage(),
string: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeString())
Now it remains to install your theme. You can do this in a place convenient for you in your application, for example, at the entry point to the QuickBlox iOS UI Kit:
import SwiftUI
import QuickBloxUIKit
struct ShowQuickBlox: View {
init() {
var appTheme: YourAmazingTheme = YourAmazingTheme(color: MyAmazingColorTheme(),
font: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeFont(),
image: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeImage(),
string: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeString())
QuickBloxUIKit.settings.theme = appTheme // Custom color theme setting.
var body: some View {
QuickBloxUIKit.dialogsView(onExit: {
// Handling an event when exiting the QuickBloxUIKit e.g. disconnect and logout
Font Theme
The default FontTheme conforms to the ThemeFontProtocol:
public protocol ThemeFontProtocol {
var headline: Font { get set }
var footnote: Font { get set }
var caption: Font { get set }
var caption2: Font { get set }
var callout: Font { get set }
var largeTitle: Font { get set }
var title1: Font { get set }
var title3: Font { get set }
with such default fonts:
public class ThemeFont: ThemeFontProtocol {
public var headline: Font = .headline
public var footnote: Font = .footnote.weight(.semibold)
public var caption: Font = .caption
public var caption2: Font = .caption2
public var callout: Font = .callout
public var largeTitle: Font = .largeTitle
public var title1: Font = .title.weight(.semibold)
public var title3: Font = .title3
public init() {}
Use your own Font Theme
You can create and use your own font theme. To do this you need to create a class that implements QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeFontProtocol with the fonts you need.
For example:
public class CustomThemeFont: ThemeFontProtocol {
public var headline: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 17)
public var footnote: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 13)
public var caption: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 12)
public var caption2: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 11)
public var callout: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 17)
public var largeTitle: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 34)
public var title1: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 28)
public var title3: Font = .custom("Menlo", size: 20)
public init() {}
Setup this in a place convenient for you in your application:
var appTheme: AppTheme = AppTheme(color: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeColor(),
font: CustomThemeFont(),
image: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeImage(),
string: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeString())
QuickBloxUIKit.settings.theme = appTheme // Custom font theme setting.


Image Theme
The default ImageTheme conforms to the ThemeImageProtocol:
public protocol ThemeImageProtocol {
var avatarUser: Image { get set }
var avatarGroup: Image { get set }
var avatarPublic: Image { get set }
var user: Image { get set }
var groupChat: Image { get set }
var publicChannel: Image { get set }
var leave: Image { get set }
var leavePNG: Image { get set }
var newChat: Image { get set }
var back: Image { get set }
var close: Image { get set }
var conference: Image { get set }
var chat: Image { get set }
var camera: Image { get set }
var avatarCamera: Image { get set }
var checkmark: Image { get set }
var attachmentPlaceholder: Image { get set }
var info: Image { get set }
var bell: Image { get set }
var magnifyingglass: Image { get set }
var chevronForward: Image { get set }
var trash: Image { get set }
var plus: Image { get set }
var mic: Image { get set }
var smiley: Image { get set }
var paperclip: Image { get set }
var paperplane: Image { get set }
var keyboard: Image { get set }
var record: Image { get set }
var wave: Image { get set }
var play: Image { get set }
var pause: Image { get set }
var photo: Image { get set }
var delivered: Image { get set }
var read: Image { get set }
var send: Image { get set }
var doctext: Image { get set }
var speakerwave: Image { get set }
var robot: Image { get set }
with such default images:
public class ThemeImage: ThemeImageProtocol {
public var avatarUser: Image = Image("AvatarUser", bundle: .module)
public var avatarGroup: Image = Image("AvatarGroup", bundle: .module)
public var avatarPublic: Image = Image("AvatarPublic", bundle: .module)
public var user: Image = Image(systemName: "person")
public var groupChat: Image = Image(systemName: "person.2")
public var publicChannel: Image = Image(systemName: "megaphone")
public var leave: Image = Image(systemName: "rectangle.portrait.and.arrow.forward")
public var leavePNG: Image = Image("Leave", bundle: .module)
public var newChat: Image = Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
public var back: Image = Image(systemName: "chevron.backward")
public var close: Image = Image(systemName: "xmark")
public var conference: Image = Image(systemName: "person.3")
public var chat: Image = Image(systemName: "message")
public var camera: Image = Image(systemName: "camera")
public var avatarCamera: Image = Image("AvatarCamera", bundle: .module)
public var checkmark: Image = Image(systemName: "checkmark")
public var attachmentPlaceholder: Image = Image("attachmentPlaceholder", bundle: .module)
public var info: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var bell: Image = Image(systemName: "bell")
public var magnifyingglass: Image = Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass")
public var chevronForward: Image = Image(systemName: "chevron.forward")
public var trash: Image = Image(systemName: "trash")
public var plus: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var mic: Image = Image(systemName: "mic")
public var smiley: Image = Image(systemName: "smiley")
public var paperclip: Image = Image(systemName: "paperclip")
public var paperplane: Image = Image(systemName: "paperplane.fill")
public var keyboard: Image = Image(systemName: "keyboard")
public var record: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var wave: Image = Image("wave", bundle: .module)
public var play: Image = Image(systemName: "play.fill")
public var pause: Image = Image(systemName: "pause.fill")
public var photo: Image = Image(systemName: "photo")
public var delivered: Image = Image("delivered", bundle: .module)
public var read: Image = Image("delivered", bundle: .module)
public var send: Image = Image("send", bundle: .module)
public var doctext: Image = Image(systemName: "doc.text.fill")
public var speakerwave: Image = Image(systemName: "speaker.wave.1.fill")
public var robot: Image = Image("Robot", bundle: .module)
public init() {}
Use your own Image Theme
You can create and use your own images theme. To do this you need to create a class that implements QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeImageProtocol with the images you need.
For example set up images for the Info Dialog screen:
public class CustomImageTheme: ThemeImageProtocol {
public var avatarUser: Image = Image("AvatarUser")
public var avatarGroup: Image = Image("AvatarGroup")
public var avatarPublic: Image = Image("AvatarPublic")
public var user: Image = Image(systemName: "person")
public var groupChat: Image = Image(systemName: "person.3") // default: person.2
public var publicChannel: Image = Image(systemName: "megaphone")
public var leave: Image = Image(systemName: "person.fill.xmark") // default: rectangle.portrait.and.arrow.forward
public var leavePNG: Image = Image("Leave")
public var newChat: Image = Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
public var back: Image = Image(systemName: "chevron.backward")
public var close: Image = Image(systemName: "xmark")
public var conference: Image = Image(systemName: "person.3")
public var chat: Image = Image(systemName: "message")
public var camera: Image = Image(systemName: "camera")
public var avatarCamera: Image = Image("AvatarCamera")
public var checkmark: Image = Image(systemName: "checkmark")
public var attachmentPlaceholder: Image = Image("attachmentPlaceholder")
public var info: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var bell: Image = Image(systemName: "bell")
public var magnifyingglass: Image = Image(systemName: "") // default: magnifyingglass
public var chevronForward: Image = Image(systemName: "chevron.forward")
public var trash: Image = Image(systemName: "trash")
public var plus: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var mic: Image = Image(systemName: "mic")
public var smiley: Image = Image(systemName: "smiley")
public var paperclip: Image = Image(systemName: "paperclip")
public var paperplane: Image = Image(systemName: "paperplane.fill")
public var keyboard: Image = Image(systemName: "keyboard")
public var record: Image = Image(systemName: "")
public var wave: Image = Image("wave")
public var play: Image = Image(systemName: "play.fill")
public var pause: Image = Image(systemName: "pause.fill")
public var photo: Image = Image(systemName: "photo")
public var delivered: Image = Image("delivered")
public var read: Image = Image("delivered")
public var send: Image = Image("send")
public var doctext: Image = Image(systemName: "doc.text.fill")
public var speakerwave: Image = Image(systemName: "speaker.wave.1.fill")
public var message: Image = Image(systemName: "message")
public var robot: Image = Image("Robot")
public init() {}
Setup this in a place convenient for you in your application:
var appTheme: AppTheme = AppTheme(color: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeColor(),
font: CustomThemeFont(),
image: CustomThemeImage(),
string: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeString())
QuickBloxUIKit.settings.theme = appTheme // Custom images and fonst themes setting.


String Theme
The default StringTheme conforms to the ThemeStringProtocol:
public class ThemeString: ThemeStringProtocol {
public var dialogsEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.items.empty", bundle: .module)
public var usersEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.members.empty", bundle: .module)
public var messegesEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.messages.empty", bundle: .module)
public var privateDialog: String = String(localized: "dialog.type.private", bundle: .module)
public var groupDialog: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var publicDialog: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var typingOne: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var typingTwo: String = String(localized: "dialog.typing.two", bundle: .module)
public var typingFour: String = String(localized: "dialog.typing.four", bundle: .module)
public var enterName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.enterName", bundle: .module)
public var nameHint: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var create: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var next: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var search: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var edit: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var members: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var notification: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var searchInDialog: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var leaveDialog: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var you: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var admin: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var typeMessage: String = String(localized: "dialog.action.typeMessage", bundle: .module)
public var dialogs: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogs", bundle: .module)
public var dialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialog", bundle: .module)
public var dialogType: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogType", bundle: .module)
public var newDialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.newDialog", bundle: .module)
public var createDialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.createDialog", bundle: .module)
public var addMembers: String = String(localized: "screen.title.addMembers", bundle: .module)
public var dialogInformation: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogInformation", bundle: .module)
public var add: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.add", bundle: .module)
public var dialogName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.dialogName", bundle: .module)
public var changeImage: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.changeImage", bundle: .module)
public var changeDialogName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.changeDialogName", bundle: .module)
public var photo: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var removePhoto: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.removePhoto", bundle: .module)
public var camera: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var gallery: String = String(localized: "", bundle: .module)
public var file: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.file", bundle: .module)
public var remove: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.remove", bundle: .module)
public var cancel: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.cancel", bundle: .module)
public var ok: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.ok", bundle: .module)
public var removeUser: String = String(localized: "alert.message.removeUser", bundle: .module)
public var questionMark: String = String(localized: "alert.message.questionMark", bundle: .module)
public var errorValidation: String = String(localized: "alert.message.errorValidation", bundle: .module)
public var addUser: String = String(localized: "alert.message.addUser", bundle: .module)
public var toDialog: String = String(localized: "alert.message.toDialog", bundle: .module)
public var maxSize: String = String(localized: "attachment.maxSize.title", bundle: .module)
public var maxSizeHint: String = String(localized: "attachment.maxSize.hint", bundle: .module)
public var fileTitle: String = String(localized: "attachment.title.file", bundle: .module)
public var gif: String = String(localized: "attachment.title.gif", bundle: .module)
public init() {}
By default, QuickBlox iOS UI Kit supports English localization:
// swift-tools-version: 5.7
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "QuickBloxUIKit",
defaultLocalization: "en",
platforms: [
with such default strings:
"dialog.items.empty" = "You don’t have any dialogs.";
"dialog.members.empty" = "You don’t have any users.";
"dialog.messages.empty" = "You don’t have any messages.";
"dialog.type.private" = "Private";
"" = "Group";
"dialog.type.public" = "Public";
"" = " is typing...";
"dialog.typing.two" = " are typing...";
"dialog.typing.four" = " and 2 others are typing...";
"" = "Use alphanumeric characters and spaces in a range from 3 to 60. Cannot contain more than one space in a row.";
"" = "Create";
"" = "Next";
"" = "Search";
"" = "Cancel";
"" = "Edit";
"" = "Members";
"" = "Notification";
"" = "Search in dialog";
"" = "Leave dialog";
"" = " (You)";
"" = "Admin";
"dialog.action.typeMessage" = "Type message";
"screen.title.dialogs" = "Dialogs";
"screen.title.dialog" = "Dialog";
"screen.title.dialogType" = "Dialog type";
"screen.title.newDialog" = "New Dialog";
"screen.title.createDialog" = "Create Dialog";
"screen.title.addMembers" = "Add Members";
"screen.title.dialogInformation" = "Dialog information";
"alert.actions.add" = "Add";
"alert.actions.dialogName" = "Dialog name";
"alert.actions.enterName" = "Enter name";
"alert.actions.changeImage" = "Change image";
"alert.actions.changeDialogName" = "Change dialog name";
"" = "Photo";
"alert.actions.removePhoto" = "Remove photo";
"" = "Camera";
"" = "Gallery";
"alert.actions.file" = "File";
"alert.actions.remove" = "Remove";
"alert.actions.cancel" = "Cancel";
"alert.actions.ok" = "Ok";
"alert.message.removeUser" = "Are you sure you want to remove ";
"alert.message.questionMark" = "?";
"alert.message.errorValidation" = "Error Validation";
"alert.message.addUser" = "Are you sure you want to add ";
"alert.message.toDialog" = " to this dialog?";
"attachment.maxSize.title" = "The uploaded file exceeds maximum file size (10MB)";
"attachment.maxSize.hint" = "Please select a smaller attachment.";
"attachment.title.file" = "file";
"attachment.title.gif" = "GIF";
Use your own String Theme
You can use your string values to uniquely design your application:
"dialog.items.empty" = "You don’t have any channels.";
"dialog.members.empty" = "You don’t have any users.";
"dialog.messages.empty" = "You don’t have any messages.";
"dialog.type.private" = "Private";
"" = "Group";
"dialog.type.public" = "Public";
"" = " is typing...";
"dialog.typing.two" = " are typing...";
"dialog.typing.four" = " and 2 others are typing...";
"" = "Use alphanumeric characters and spaces in a range from 3 to 60. Cannot contain more than one space in a row.";
"" = "Create";
"" = "Next";
"" = "Search";
"" = "Cancel";
"" = "Edit";
"" = "Members";
"" = "Notification";
"" = "Search in channel";
"" = "Leave channel";
"" = " (You)";
"" = "Admin";
"dialog.action.typeMessage" = "Type message";
"screen.title.dialogs" = "Channels";
"screen.title.dialog" = "Channel";
"screen.title.dialogType" = "Channel type";
"screen.title.newDialog" = "New Channel";
"screen.title.createDialog" = "Create Channel";
"screen.title.addMembers" = "Add Members";
"screen.title.dialogInformation" = "Channel information";
"alert.actions.add" = "Add";
"alert.actions.dialogName" = "Channel name";
"alert.actions.enterName" = "Enter name";
"alert.actions.changeImage" = "Change image";
"alert.actions.changeDialogName" = "Change channel name";
"" = "Photo";
"alert.actions.removePhoto" = "Remove photo";
"" = "Camera";
"" = "Gallery";
"alert.actions.file" = "File";
"alert.actions.remove" = "Remove";
"alert.actions.cancel" = "Cancel";
"alert.actions.ok" = "Ok";
"alert.message.removeUser" = "Are you sure you want to remove ";
"alert.message.questionMark" = "?";
"alert.message.errorValidation" = "Error Validation";
"alert.message.addUser" = "Are you sure you want to add ";
"alert.message.toDialog" = " to this channel?";
"attachment.maxSize.title" = "The uploaded file exceeds maximum file size (10MB)";
"attachment.maxSize.hint" = "Please select a smaller attachment.";
"attachment.title.file" = "file";
"attachment.title.gif" = "GIF";
You can create and use your own string theme. To do this you need to create class that implements QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeStringProtocol:
public class CustomThemeString: ThemeStringProtocol {
public var dialogsEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.items.empty")
public var usersEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.members.empty")
public var messegesEmpty: String = String(localized: "dialog.messages.empty")
public var privateDialog: String = String(localized: "dialog.type.private")
public var groupDialog: String = String(localized: "")
public var publicDialog: String = String(localized: "")
public var typingOne: String = String(localized: "")
public var typingTwo: String = String(localized: "dialog.typing.two")
public var typingFour: String = String(localized: "dialog.typing.four")
public var enterName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.enterName")
public var nameHint: String = String(localized: "")
public var create: String = String(localized: "")
public var next: String = String(localized: "")
public var search: String = String(localized: "")
public var edit: String = String(localized: "")
public var members: String = String(localized: "")
public var notification: String = String(localized: "")
public var searchInDialog: String = String(localized: "")
public var leaveDialog: String = String(localized: "")
public var you: String = String(localized: "")
public var admin: String = String(localized: "")
public var typeMessage: String = String(localized: "dialog.action.typeMessage")
public var dialogs: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogs")
public var dialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialog")
public var dialogType: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogType")
public var newDialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.newDialog")
public var createDialog: String = String(localized: "screen.title.createDialog")
public var addMembers: String = String(localized: "screen.title.addMembers")
public var dialogInformation: String = String(localized: "screen.title.dialogInformation")
public var add: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.add")
public var dialogName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.dialogName")
public var changeImage: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.changeImage")
public var changeDialogName: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.changeDialogName")
public var photo: String = String(localized: "")
public var removePhoto: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.removePhoto")
public var camera: String = String(localized: "")
public var gallery: String = String(localized: "")
public var file: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.file")
public var remove: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.remove")
public var cancel: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.cancel")
public var ok: String = String(localized: "alert.actions.ok")
public var removeUser: String = String(localized: "alert.message.removeUser")
public var questionMark: String = String(localized: "alert.message.questionMark")
public var errorValidation: String = String(localized: "alert.message.errorValidation")
public var addUser: String = String(localized: "alert.message.addUser")
public var toDialog: String = String(localized: "alert.message.toDialog")
public var maxSize: String = String(localized: "attachment.maxSize.title")
public var maxSizeHint: String = String(localized: "attachment.maxSize.hint")
public var fileTitle: String = String(localized: "attachment.title.file")
public var gif: String = String(localized: "attachment.title.gif")
public init() {}
Setup this in a place convenient for you in your application:
var appTheme: AppTheme = AppTheme(color: CustomThemeColor(),
font: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeFont(),
image: QuickBloxUIKit.ThemeImage(),
string: CustomThemeString())
QuickBloxUIKit.settings.theme = appTheme // Custom color and string themes setting.
Your string values will apply to the QuickBlox iOS UI Kit user interface, for example:

Use Localization to expand the capabilities of your application.
For custom localization, customize your application by adding the necessary localization files. You can learn more about how to do this at the Apple Documentation.
- Copy and add to the localization file in your project the necessary string constants from QuickBlox iOS UI Kit. If you do not have a localization file yet, then create it following the guide from Apple Documentation.
- Customize these constants as you need for your purposes.
- Create and add the necessary localization files to your project
For example, add a localization file for Spanish to your project:

- Customize localization files according to the language they represent. For example, add a localization file for Spanish:
"dialog.items.empty" = "No tiene ningún cuadro de canal.";
"dialog.members.empty" = "No tiene ningún usuario.";
"dialog.messages.empty" = "No tiene ningún mensaje.";
"dialog.type.private" = "Privado";
"" = "Grupo";
"dialog.type.public" = "Público";
"" = " está escribiendo...";
"dialog.typing.two" = " están escribiendo...";
"dialog.typing.four" = " y otros 2 están escribiendo...";
"" = "Use caracteres alfanuméricos y espacios en un rango de 3 a 60. No puede contener más de un espacio en una fila.";
"" = "Crear";
"" = "Siguiente";
"" = "Buscar";
"" = "Cancelar";
"" = "Editar";
"" = "Miembros";
"" = "Notificación";
"" = "Buscar en canal";
"" = "Salir del cuadro de canal";
"" = " (usted)";
"" = "Admin";
"dialog.action.typeMessage" = "Escribir mensaje";
"screen.title.dialogs" = "Canales";
"screen.title.dialog" = "Canal";
"screen.title.dialogType" = "Tipo de canal";
"screen.title.newDialog" = "Canal nuevo";
"screen.title.createDialog" = "Crear canal";
"screen.title.addMembers" = "Agregar miembros";
"screen.title.dialogInformation" = "Información de canal";
"alert.actions.add" = "Agregar";
"alert.actions.dialogName" = "Nombre del canal";
"alert.actions.enterName" = "Ingrese el nombre";
"alert.actions.changeImage" = "Cambiar imagen";
"alert.actions.changeDialogName" = "Cambiar nombre de canal";
"" = "Foto";
"alert.actions.removePhoto" = "Eliminar foto";
"" = "Cámara";
"" = "Galería";
"alert.actions.file" = "Archivo";
"alert.actions.remove" = "Eliminar";
"alert.actions.cancel" = "Cancelar";
"alert.actions.ok" = "Ok";
"alert.message.removeUser" = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar ";
"alert.message.questionMark" = "?";
"alert.message.errorValidation" = "Error de validación";
"alert.message.addUser" = "¿Está seguro de que desea agregar ";
"alert.message.toDialog" = "¿a este cuadro de canal?";
"attachment.maxSize.title" = "El archivo cargado supera el tamaño máximo de archivo (10 MB)";
"attachment.maxSize.hint" = "Seleccione un archivo adjunto más pequeño.";
"attachment.title.file" = "archivo";
"attachment.title.gif" = "GIF";
Now if Spanish is set as the main language on the device of the user of your application, then your application will automatically respond to this and the user interface will change:

Updated over 1 year ago