Send your first message
The minimum requirements for QuickBlox UIKit for iOS are:
- iOS 15.0
- Xcode 14
Before you begin
Register a new account following this link. Type in your email and password to sign in. You can also sign in with your Google or Github accounts.
Create the app clicking New app button.
Configure the app. Type in the information about your organization into corresponding fields and click Add button.
Go to Dashboard => YOUR_APP => Overview section and copy your Application ID, Authorization Key, Authorization Secret, and Account Key .
Users are required for messaging!
To successfully create a private p2p dialogue or group dialogue and a full-fledged messaging, you need more users besides the one under which you logged into the Quickblox system.
If you just created a new application in your Quickblox account, then there will be no users in this application.
You can read how to add new users using the admin panel of your account at this link.
There is also an easier way to add a new user - just run our UIKitSample and register another new user on the SignUp screen
Install QuickBlox UIKit
To add QuickBlox UIKit to your project using SPM, you can follow these steps:
Open your Xcode project and navigate to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
In the search bar, enter the QuickBlox UIKit repository URL: and click Add Package.
Xcode will then fetch the SDK and you can add it to your project by clicking Add Package.
You can then import QuickBloxUIKit modules into your code and use its API.
import QuickBloxUIKit
Init QuickBlox SDK
To init QuickBlox SDK you need to pass Application ID, Authorization Key, Authorization Secret, and Account Key to the initWithApplicationId() method.
Quickblox.initWithApplicationId(92, authKey: "wJHdOcQSxXQGWx5", authSecret: "BTFsj7Rtt27DAmT", accountKey: "7yvNe17TnjNUqDoPwfqp")
It's not recommended to keep your authKey and authSecret inside an application in production mode, instead of this, the best approach will be to store them on your backend. Instead you can initialize QuickBlox SDK without Authorization Key and Secret
Authentication and show QuickBlox UI Kit screen
Before using the QuickBlox iOS UI Kit you need to authenticate users in the QuickBlox system. You can read more about different ways of authentication by this link.
In our example, we will show how to authenticate a user with a username and password, then log in to QuickBlox Chat (Connect to Chat). Upon successful authorization, the UIKit’s Dialogues screen will automatically open.
If you need to handle the exit event from the QuickBlox iOS UI Kit, you can do this in a closure onExit: {}
import QuickBloxUIKit
import Quickblox
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isPresented = false
var body: some View {
Button("Present!") {
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isPresented) {
// show Dialogs screen
QuickBloxUIKit.dialogsView(onExit: {
// Handling an event when exiting the QuickBloxUIKit e.g. disconnect and logout
func authenticateUser() {
QBRequest.logIn(withUserLogin: "userLogin",
password: "userPassword",
successBlock: { (response, user) in
// Block with response and user instances if the request is succeeded.
print("Success login")
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
// Block with response instance if the request is failed.
Download and setup:
- To use the UIKitSample you need a QuickBlox account. Register a new account by following the step-by-step guide in this section or use an existing one.
- Download the UIKitSample and open it in Xcode by double-clicking the .xcodeproj file.
- In UIKitSample, go to the Connect class and fill in the appropriate fields:
class Connect: ObservableObject {
@Published var state: ConnectState = .waiting
init(state: ConnectState = .disconnected) {
self.state = state
Quickblox.initWithApplicationId(0, // Your_Application_ID
authKey: "", // Your_Authorization_Key
authSecret: "", // Your_Authorization_Secret
accountKey: "") // Your_Account_Key
QBSettings.carbonsEnabled = true
QBSettings.autoReconnectEnabled = true
That's all you need to start using UIKitSample!
UIKitSample contains screens:
- LoginScreen.
Before using the QuickBlox iOS UI Ki, you need to authenticate users to the QuickBlox system. If the user is not already signed in to the app, they will be able to sign in as a user on this screen using their username, display name, and password. Upon successful registration, you will be automatically logged into Quickblox and connected to the Quickblox chat.
Once the user is logged in, UIKit immediately opens when the application is opened, or if the user is logged out, they can log into the sample using their username and password. The connection to the Quickblox chat will be established automatically.
Users are required for messaging!
To successfully create a private p2p dialogue or group dialogue and a full-fledged messaging, you need more users besides the one under which you logged into the Quickblox system.
If you just created a new application in your Quickblox account, then there will be no users in this application.
To add a new user, simply run this sample and register another user on the SignUp screen!
The struct LoginScreen contains a boolean variable showChangeColorTheme with a default value of false:
let showChangeColorTheme: Bool = false
with this setting, the UIKit's screen will open immediately after the user successfully logs into the system:
var body: some View {
.if(showChangeColorTheme == false && connect.state == .connected, transform: { view in
view.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $connect.isConnected) {
QuickBloxUIKit.dialogsView(onExit: {
// Handling an event when exiting the QuickBloxUIKit e.g. disconnect and logout
If you want to see an option with the ability to change the theme by the user, then set this variable to true:
let showChangeColorTheme: Bool = true
And then, after successful authorisation of the user in the system, the Choice of Color Theme Screen will open.
- Choice of color theme. On this screen, the user can select a color theme for the whale. After the user selects the color theme he needs, the Enter the chat screen will open.
- Enter the chat.
struct EnterToChatView: View {
@ObservedObject var theme: AppTheme
@State var isPresented = false
init(theme: AppTheme) {
self.theme = theme
QuickBloxUIKit.settings.theme = theme
var body: some View {
ZStack {
// Button to enter the QuickBlox iOS UI Kit.
Button(action: {
self.isPresented = true
}, label: {
Text("Enter to SwiftUIChat")
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isPresented) {
QuickBloxUIKit.dialogsView(onExit: {
// Handling an event when exiting the QuickBloxUIKit e.g. disconnect and logout
Pressing the "Enter to SwiftUIChat" button will open the Dialogs screen of QuickBlox iOS UI Kit.
Updated about 1 year ago