AI Features

AI Features base on SmartChat Assistants


Starting from version 2.20.0 of QuickBlox iOS SDK, the AI functionality is enabled and based on our SmartChat Assistants. The QuickBlox iOS SDK provides a range of features to enhance the chat experience. With essential messaging functionalities such as answer assistant, users can engage in more interactive conversations.

Supported features

AI AssistProvides answers based on chat history to selected message.
AI TranslateProvides translation based on chat history to selected incoming message.


The minimum requirements for using AI features are:

  • QuickBlox iOS SDK v2.20.0
  • Quickblox account with activated SmartChat Assistants

Visit our Key Concepts page to get an overall understanding of the most important QuickBlox concepts.

Visit our Smart Chat Assistant overview page to get an overall understanding of the most important SmartChat Assistants concepts.

Before you begin

  1. Register a QuickBlox account. This is a matter of a few minutes and you will be able to use this account to build your apps.
  2. Configure QuickBlox SDK for your app. Check out our Setup page for more details.
  3. Create a user session to be able to use QuickBlox functionality. See our Authentication page to learn how to do it.
  4. Create or update your SmartChat Assistant. See our Smart Chat Assistant documentation to learn how to do it.

Enable AI Extensions

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard => YOUR_APP => AI Extensions page
  2. Select the checkboxes for the features you want to enable.
  3. Click the Save button to save changes.

Review your SmartChat Assistant

To get ID of SmartChat Assistant to use it as smartChatAssistantId param follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard => YOUR_APP => SmartChat Assistant page
  2. Choose the ID of the SmartChat Assistant you want to update and click on it.
  3. Edit the SmartChat Assistant settings.
  4. Click the Save button to save changes.

AI Assist Answer

QuickBlox provides answer assistant functionality that helps users effortlessly send various answers considering chat history.

How to use Assist Answer

let messageToAssist = "What is Quickblox?"

let history = [QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage(role: .assistant, message: "History message"),
	       QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage(role: .user, message: "Hi"),
	       QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage(role: .assistant, message: "Hello! How can I assist you today?")

let result = try await smartChatAssistantId,
					  messageToAssist: messageToAssist,
				          history: history)
let answer = result.answer
// handle answer
NSString *smartChatAssistantId = @"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
NSString *messageToAssist = @"What is Quickblox?";
NSArray *history = @[
    [[QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage alloc] initWithRole:QBAIRoleTypeAssistant message:@"History message"],
    [[QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage alloc] initWithRole:QBAIRoleTypeUser message:@"Hi"],
    [[QBAnswerAssistHistoryMessage alloc] initWithRole:QBAIRoleTypeAssistant message:@"Hello! How can I assist you today?"]
[ answerAssistWithSmartChatAssistantId:smartChatAssistantId
			         completion:^(id<QBAIAnswerAssistResultProtocol>  _Nonnull result, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (result) {
        NSString *answer = result.answer;
        // handle answer
Parameter nameTypeDescription
smartChatAssistantIdStringThis field should hold your actual Smart Chat Assistant ID that you'll receive from the Quickblox account. This ID is used to authenticate your requests to the AI service.
messageToAssistStringMessage you want to get answer for.
historyArray of ObjectConversation history. Used to add context. Each object of array should have the two fields: 'role' and 'message'. The field role should contains one of next values: 'user' or 'assistant'. The field message should be a string with chat message.

AI Translate

QuickBlox offers translation functionality that helps users easily translate text messages in chat, taking into account the context of the chat history.

How to use AI Translate

let textToTranslate = "Hola!"
let languageCode = "en"
let result = try await smartChatAssistantId,
				       textToTranslate: textToTranslate,
				       languageCode: languageCode)
let answer = result.answer
// handle answer
NSString *smartChatAssistantId = @"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
NSString *textToTranslate = @"Hola!";
NSString *languageCode = @"en";
[ translateWithSmartChatAssistantId:smartChatAssistantId
			      completion:^(id<QBAITranslateResultProtocol>  _Nonnull result, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (result) {
        NSString *answer = result.answer;
        // handle answer
Parameter nameTypeDescription
smartChatAssistantIdStringThis field should hold your actual Smart Chat Assistant ID that you'll receive from the Quickblox account. This ID is used to authenticate your requests to the AI service.
textToTranslateStringText to translate.
languageCodeStringtTranslation language code.