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QuickBlox provides a Multiparty Video Conferencing solution allowing to set up a video conference between 10-12 people. It is built on top of WebRTC SFU technologies.

Features supported:

- Video/Audio Conference with 10-12 people. - Join/Rejoin video room functionality (like Skype). - Mute/Unmute audio/video stream (own and opponents). - Display bitrate. - Switch video input device (camera).


In order to start working with Multiparty Video Conferencing API, you need to initialize a conference endpoint. To request the conference server URL, please contact

String conferenceServer = "your_conference_server";
conferenceServeryesA conference server URL.

Create session

Create a session using createSession() method. ConferenceClient instance is a client model responsible for managing the conference session. ConferenceClient has a setAutoSubscribeAfterJoin option signifying that your client will be subscribed to all online publishers after joining some room. By default, setAutoSubscribeAfterJoin is true. ConferenceSession is a session within a certain video room, managing all current processes.

ConferenceClient client = ConferenceClient.getInstance(getApplicationContext());

QBRTCTypes.QBConferenceType conferenceType = isVideoCall


client.createSession(userId, conferenceType, new ConferenceEntityCallback<ConferenceSession>() {
    public void onSuccess(ConferenceSession conferenceSession) {
        // session Created Successfully

    public void onError(WsException exception) {
        // create Session Error


To have the ability to receive callbacks about the current ConferenceSession instance state and conference events, you should implement appropriate interfaces. Implement the QBRTCSessionStateCallback for tracking connection state:

QBRTCSessionStateCallback sessionStateCallback = new QBRTCSessionStateCallback<ConferenceSession>() {
    public void onStateChanged(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, BaseSession.QBRTCSessionState sessionState) {


    public void onConnectedToUser(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, Integer userId) {


    public void onDisconnectedFromUser(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, Integer userId) {


    public void onConnectionClosedForUser(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, Integer userId) {


// or

Implement ConferenceSessionCallbacks for tracking conference events:

ConferenceSessionCallbacks conferenceSessionCallbacks = new ConferenceSessionCallbacks() {
    public void onPublishersReceived(ArrayList<Integer> publishersList) {
        // publisher or Publishers (users) joined

    public void onPublisherLeft(Integer userId) {
        // publisher left

    public void onMediaReceived(String type, boolean success) {
        // media received (audio or video type)

    public void onSlowLinkReceived(boolean uplink, int nacks) {
        // called when slowLink is received from server.
        // slowLink with uplink = true - several missing packets from server;
        // uplink = false means server is not receiving all your packets.

    public void onError(WsException exception) {
        // error from Server Received

    public void onSessionClosed(ConferenceSession conferenceSession) {
        // cession Closed

// or

Video and audio tracks

For obtaining video and audio tracks implement interface RTCClientVideoTracksCallbacks and RTCClientAudioTracksCallback.

QBRTCClientVideoTracksCallbacks videoTracksCallbacks = new QBRTCClientVideoTracksCallbacks<ConferenceSession>() {
    public void onLocalVideoTrackReceive(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, QBRTCVideoTrack videoTrack) {


    public void onRemoteVideoTrackReceive(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, QBRTCVideoTrack videoTrack, Integer userId) {


// add callback
// or remove

QBRTCClientAudioTracksCallback audioTracksCallback = new QBRTCClientAudioTracksCallback<ConferenceSession>() {
    public void onLocalAudioTrackReceive(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, QBRTCAudioTrack audioTrack) {


    public void onRemoteAudioTrackReceive(ConferenceSession conferenceSession, QBRTCAudioTrack audioTrack, Integer userId) {


// add callback
// or remove

To render the video track, use the QBConferenceSurfaceView as renderer:

QBConferenceSurfaceView videoView = findViewById(;


Join video room

You can join a room as a listener or as a publisher. As a listener, you subscribe only to the publishers, without giving your own video and audio streams.

boolean asPublisher = true;
int userId = currentConferenceSession.getCurrentUserID();

QBConferenceRole conferenceRole = asPublisher ? QBConferenceRole.PUBLISHER : QBConferenceRole.LISTENER;

currentConferenceSession.joinDialog(dialogId, conferenceRole, new ConferenceEntityCallback<ArrayList<Integer>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<Integer> publishers) {


    public void onError(WsException exception) {


To subscribe to the active publisher, you should use the snippet below:

Set<Integer> publishersSet = currentConferenceSession.getActivePublishers();
for (Integer publisher : publishersSet) {

You should subscribe to publishers only when the session state becomes connected. Use onStateChanged() callback method to track session states.

If you are subscribing as a listener, then you can subscribe to publishers right after the successful joinDialog(). To unsubscribe from the publisher, use the unSubscribeFromPublisher() method.


Mute local audio

Mute the audio by calling getLocalAudioTrack().setEnabled() method. Using this method, we can tell SDK to send/not send audio data from a local peer in the specified WebRTC session.


Mute remote audio

You can always get remote audio tracks for a specific user ID in the call using the above-specified QBRTCSession methods (assuming that they are existent). You can also mute remote media tracks on your side by changing the value of the enabled property for a specific remote media track.

boolean isAudioEnabled = false;


Disable local video

Turn off the video by calling getLocalVideoTrack().setEnabled(). Using this method, we can tell SDK not to send video data from a local peer in the specified session.


Disable remote video

Turn off the video by calling getVideoTrack(opponentID).setEnabled(). Using this method, we can tell SDK not to send video data from a remote peer in the specified session.

boolean isVideoEnabled = false;


Leave video room

To leave the current joined video room, use the leave() method.


Camera resolution

The camera resolution is a video stream encoding parameter. It’s possible to set the custom video resolution to provide guarantees for the predictable behavior of the video stream.

int videoWidth = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.QBGA_VIDEO.width;
int videoHeight = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.QBGA_VIDEO.height;

// VGA Resolution
//videoWidth = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.VGA_VIDEO.width;
//videoHeight = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.VGA_VIDEO.height;

// HD Resolution
//videoWidth = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.HD_VIDEO.width;
//videoHeight = QBRTCMediaConfig.VideoQuality.HD_VIDEO.height;

// custom Resolution (for example FullHD)
//videoWidth = 1920;
//videoHeight = 1080;
