Custom Objects module provides flexibility to define any data structure (schema) you need, build one-to-many relations between schemas and control permissions for all operations made on data. Schema is defined in QuickBlox Dashboard.

There are two key concepts in Custom Objects: - Class represents your schema and contains field names and types. - Record represents the data you put into your schema.

Class and Record are similar to table and row in relational database. Every class in Custom Object module comes with five mandatory predefined fields: _id, user_id, parent_id, created_at, and updated_at.

Allowed data types: Integer (or Array of Integer); String (or Array of String); Float (or Array of Float); Boolean (or Array of Boolean); Location (Array of of [< longitude >, < latitude >]); File; Date.

Visit our Key Concepts page to get an overall understanding of the most important QuickBlox concepts.

Before you begin

  1. Register a QuickBlox account. This is a matter of a few minutes and you will be able to use this account to build your apps.
  2. Configure QuickBlox SDK for your app. Check out our Setup page for more details.
  3. Create a user session to be able to use QuickBlox functionality. See our Authentication page to learn how to do it.

Create class

To start using Custom Objects module, create a class:

  1. Go to QuickBlox Dashboard.
  2. Follow Custom => Add => Add new class direction. As a result, Add new class popup will appear.
  3. Enter a class name, add any fields you want.
  1. Click Create class button to create a new class.

Create records

The easiest way to create a new record from the QuickBlox Dashboard, do the following:

  1. Follow Custom => Current class => Your Class direction.
  2. Click Add => Add record button and Add new record popup will appear.
  3. Fill in any fields you want.
  4. Click Add record button and a new record will be added and shown in the table.

To create a single object use the code snippet below.

let object = QBCOCustomObject()
object.className = "Movie" // your Class name

// Object fields
object.fields["name"] = "Star Wars"
object.fields["rating"] = 9.1
object.fields["documentary"] = "false"
object.fields["genre"] = "fantasy"
object.fields["descriptions"] = "Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise consisting of a film series created by George Lucas."

QBRequest.createObject(object, successBlock: { (response, customObject) in
    // do something when object is successfully created on a server
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

To create multiple objects, use the code snippet below.

let object1 = QBCOCustomObject()
object1.fields["name"] = "The Avengers"
object1.fields["rating"] = 10.8
object1.fields["documentary"] = "false"
object1.fields["genre"] = "fantasy"
object1.fields["descriptions"] = "The Avengers is an American epic space opera franchise."

let object2 = QBCOCustomObject()
object2.fields["name"] = "Guardians of the Galaxy"
object2.fields["rating"] = 12
object2.fields["documentary"] = "false"
object2.fields["genre"] = "fantasy"
object2.fields["descriptions"] = "Guardians of the Galaxy is an American epic space opera franchise."

QBRequest.createObjects([object1, object2], className: "Movie", successBlock: { (response, customObjects) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Retrieve records by IDs

To get records with a particular record ID, use the objects(withClassName:ids:) method. Go over Sort operatos and Search operators sections to learn about filters and search operators you can use to retrieve records.elow.

let className = "Movie"
let ids = ["611fc6aece9db8005e270e1c", "61239cfbce9db8003c271452", "61239cfbce9db8003c271453"]
QBRequest.objects(withClassName: className, ids: ids, successBlock: { (response, objects) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")
classNameName of a custom object class.
idsCustom objects IDs.

Retrieve records

You can search for records of a particular class. The request below will return all records of the Movie class with the rating value greater than 5.5, sorted in ascending order, and limited to 5 records on the page.

let className = "Movie"
var extendedRequest:[String: String] = [:]
extendedRequest["rating[gt]"] = "5.5"
extendedRequest["limit"] = "5"
extendedRequest["documentary"] = "false"
extendedRequest["sort_asc"] = "rating"

QBRequest.objects(withClassName: className, extendedRequest: (extendedRequest as NSDictionary).mutableCopy() as? NSMutableDictionary, successBlock: { (response, customObjects, page) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")
classNameyesName of a custom object class.
extendedRequestyesA dictionary that stores keys and values of the String type. The keys are formed as parameters of the List Records request.

If you want to retrieve only records updated after some specific date time and order the search results, you can apply operators. Thus, you can apply search and sort operators to list records on the page so that it is easier to view specific records. The operators are set as key-value parameters in the extendedRequest dictionary.

If you want to get a paginated list of records from the server, you can set the following pagination parameters in the extendedRequest dictionary.

Pagination parameterRequiredDescription
skipnoSkip N records in search results. Useful for pagination. Default (if not specified): 0.
limitnoLimit search results to N records. Useful for pagination. Default value: 100.

Search operators

You can use search operators to get more specific search results. The request below will return records of the Movie class by the rating field with a value greater than 5.5.

let className = "Movie"
var extendedRequest:[String: String] = [:]
extendedRequest["rating[gt]"] = "5.5"

QBRequest.objects(withClassName: className, extendedRequest: (extendedRequest as NSDictionary).mutableCopy() as? NSMutableDictionary, successBlock: { (response, customObjects, page) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Here are the search operators that you can use to search for the exact data that you need.

Search operatorsApplicable to typesDescription
ltinteger, floatLess Than operator.
lteinteger, floatLess Than or Equal to operator.
gtinteger, floatGreater Than operator.
gteinteger, floatGreater Than or Equal to operator.
neinteger, float, string, booleanNot Equal to operator.
ininteger, float, stringIN array operator.
nininteger, float, stringNot IN array operator.
allarrayALL are contained in array.
orinteger, foat, stringAll records that contain a value 1 or value 2.
ctnstringAll records that contain a particular substring.

Sort operators

You can use sort operators to order the search results. The request below will return records of the Movie class by the rating field sorted in ascending order.

let className = "Movie"
var extendedRequest:[String: String] = [:]
extendedRequest["sort_asc"] = "rating"

QBRequest.objects(withClassName: className, extendedRequest: (extendedRequest as NSDictionary).mutableCopy() as? NSMutableDictionary, successBlock: { (response, customObjects, page) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Here are the sort operators that you can use to order the search results

Sort operatorApplicable to typesDescription
sort_ascAll typesSearch results will be sorted in ascending order by the specified field.
sort_descAll typesSearch results will be sorted in descending order by the specified field.

Get number of records

You can get a number of records using the countObjects(withClassName:extendedRequest:) method. The request below will return a count of records of the Movie class with the documentary field set to false.

let className = "Movie"
var extendedRequest:[String: String] = [:]
extendedRequest["documentary"] = "false"

QBRequest.countObjects(withClassName: className, extendedRequest: (extendedRequest as NSDictionary).mutableCopy() as? NSMutableDictionary, successBlock:  { (response, count) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Here are the aggregation operators you can use to retrieve records.

Aggregation operatorRequiredDescription
classNameyesA name of the custom object class.
extendedRequestyesA dictionary that stores keys and values of the String type. The keys are formed as parameters of the List Records request.

Update records

You can update a single record using the code snippet below.

let object = QBCOCustomObject()
object.className = "Movie"
object.fields.setObject("7.88", forKey: NSString(string: "rating")) = "502f7c4036c9ae2163000002"

QBRequest.update(object, successBlock: { (response, customObject) in
    // object updated
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

You can update multiple records using the code snippet below.

let object1 = QBCOCustomObject()
object1.fields.setObject("101", forKey: NSString(string: "rating")) = "5228ad042195be5d8d41bd99"

let object2 = QBCOCustomObject()
object2.fields.setObject("201", forKey: NSString(string: "rating")) = "5228ad042195be5d8d41bd9a"

let object3 = QBCOCustomObject()
object3.fields.setObject("31", forKey: NSString(string: "rating")) = "5228ad042195be5d8d41bd9a33"

QBRequest.update([object1, object2, object3], className: "SuperSample", successBlock: { (response, customObjects, notFoundObjectsIds) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Delete records

To delete a single record, use the code snippet below.

let iD = "502f83ed36c9aefa62000002"
let className = "Movie"

QBRequest.deleteObject(withID: iD, className: className, successBlock: { (response) in
    // object deleted
}, errorBlock: { (response) in

To delete multiple records, use the code snippet below.

let ids = ["51c9aafe535c127d98004a15", "51c9ab92535c12951b0032d6", "51c9ab92535c12951b0032da", "51c9ab92535c12951b0032de", "52283b38535c12fa32010efd"]
let className = "Movie"

QBRequest.deleteObjects(withIDs: ids, className: className, successBlock: { (response, deletedObjectsIDs, notFoundObjectsIDs, wrongPermissionsObjectsIDs) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in


It is possible to create a relation between objects of two different classes via _parent_id field.

For example, we have the class Rating that contains score, review, and comment fields. We also have a Movie class. So we can create a record of class Rating that will point to the record of the class Movie via its _parent_id field, so the _parent_id field will contain the ID of record from class Movie.

This is not a simple soft link. This is actually a hard link. When you delete the Movie class record then all its children (records of class Rating with _parent_id field set to the Movie class record ID) will be automatically deleted as well.

If you need to retrieve all children, you can retrieve records with the filter _parent_id=<id_of_parent_class_record>.


Access Control list available only for Custom Objects module.

Access control list (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to some object. An ACL specifies which users have access to objects as well as what operations are allowed on given objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies a subject and an operation. ACL models may be applied to collections of objects as well as to individual entities within the system hierarchy.

Permission schema

QuickBlox Permission schema contains five permissions levels:

  • Open (open) Such permission schema means that any user within the application can access the record/records in the class and is allowed to perform an action with the current permission level.
  • Owner (owner) Owner permission level means that only Owner (a user who created a record) is allowed to perform action with the current permission level.
  • Not allowed (not_allowed) No one (except for the Account Administrator) can make a chosen action.
  • Open for groups (open_for_groups) Users having a specified tag/tags (see more info about how to set tags for the user in Users section) will be included in the group that is allowed to perform an action with the current permission level. The current permission level can consist of one or several groups (number of groups is not limited). Tags can be added/deleted in the user’s profile.
  • Open for user ids (open_for_users_ids) Only users that are specified in the permission level can make a required action with a record. One or several users can be specified (the number of users is not limited).

Actions available for the entity

  • Create Create a record.
  • Read Retrieve and read the info about the chosen record.
  • Update Update any parameter for the chosen record (only those parameters that can be set by the user can be updated).
  • Delete Delete a record.

Permission levels

There are two access levels in the Permissions schema: Class and Record.

Class entity

Only the Account Administrator can create a class in the Custom object module and make all possible actions with it. Operations with Class entity are not allowed in API.

All actions (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) are available for the class entity and are applicable for all records in the class. Every action has a separate permission level available. The exception is a Create action that is not available for the Owner permission level.

To set a permission schema for the Class, do the following:

  1. Go to the Custom Objects tab.
  2. Open a required class.
  3. Click Edit permissions button to open a class and edit it.

Default Class permission schema is used while creating a class:

  • Create: Open
  • Read: Open
  • Update: Owner
  • Delete: Owner

Mark checkboxes to enable class permissions.

Record entity

A record is an entity within the class in the Custom Objects module that has its own permission levels. You can create a record in the Dashboard and API (see Create Record request for more details). All permission levels except for the Not Allowed are available for the record and there are only three actions available and applicable for the record: Read, Update, and Delete.

Default Record permission schema is used while creating a class:

  • Read: Open
  • Update: Owner
  • Delete: Owner

To set a permission level open the required Class and click the record to edit it.

Choosing a permission schema

Only one permission level can be applicable to the record: class permission schema or record permission schema. To apply class permission levels to all records in the class tick the checkbox in the Use Class permissions column near the required Action in the Dashboard.

Using a class permission schema means that a record permission schema will not affect a reсord.

In case, the Admin does not tick the checkbox in the Dashboard a user has a possibility to change permission levels for every separate record in the table or create a new one with the ACL that a user requires.

Create record with permissions

Let’s create a record with the next permissions:

  • READ: Open.
  • UPDATE: Users in groups golf, man.
  • DELETE: Users with IDs 3060, 63635.
let object = QBCOCustomObject()
object.className = "Movie" // your Class name

// Object fields
object.fields.setObject("Star Wars", forKey: NSString(string: "name"))
object.fields.setObject("fantasy", forKey: NSString(string: "genre"))

// permissions
let permissions = QBCOPermissions()
permissions.readAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOpen
permissions.updateAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOpenForGroups
permissions.usersGroupsForUpdateAccess = ["golf", "man"]
permissions.deleteAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOpenForUsersIDs;
permissions.usersIDsForDeleteAccess = [3060, 63635]

object.permissions = permissions

QBRequest.createObject(object, successBlock: { (response, customObject) in
    // do something when object is successfully created on a server
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Retrieve record permissions

You can obtain info about record permissions by its ID.

QBRequest.permissionsForObject(withClassName: "SuperSample", id: "51c9aafe535c127d98004a13", successBlock: { (response, permissions) in
    // response processing
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Only info about the user’s own records is available.

Update record permissions

Let’s update record’s permissions to next:

  • READ: Users in groups car, developers.
  • UPDATE: Owner.
  • DELETE: Owner.
let object = QBCOCustomObject()
object.className = "Movie" // your Class name

// permissions
let permissions = QBCOPermissions()
permissions.readAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOpenForGroups
permissions.usersGroupsForUpdateAccess = ["car", "developers"]
permissions.updateAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOwner
permissions.deleteAccess = QBCOPermissionsAccessOwner;

object.permissions = permissions

QBRequest.update(object, specialUpdateOperators: [:], successBlock: { (response, customObject) in
    // object updated
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")


Custom Objects module supports the File field type. It is created to work easily with content from the Custom Objects module. There is an ability to upload, download, update and delete the content of file fields.

Upload/Update file

Use the code lines below to upload/update a file.

let file = QBCOFile() = "plus"
file.contentType = "image/png"
let imagePlus = UIImage(named: "plus")
guard let imageData = imagePlus?.pngData() else {
} = imageData

QBRequest.uploadFile(file, className: "Movie", objectID: "5256c265535c128020000182", fileFieldName: "imagePlus", successBlock: { (response, info) in
    // uploaded
}, statusBlock: { (request, status) in
    // handle progress
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Download file

To download a file, use the code snippet below.

QBRequest.downloadFile(fromClassName: "Movie", objectID: "5256c265535c128020000182", fileFieldName: "imagePlus", successBlock: { (response, data) in
    // file downloaded
}, statusBlock: { (request, status) in
    // handle progress
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")

Delete file

To delete a file, use the code snippet below.

QBRequest.deleteFile(fromClassName: "Movie", objectID: "5256c265535c128020000182", fileFieldName: "imagePlus", successBlock: { (response) in
    // file deleted
}, errorBlock: { (response) in
    // error handling
    debugPrint("error: \(response.error?.error?.localizedDescription)")